[10 - AFAB]

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Ainsley's breath hitched in his throat as he looked at your shirtless body. Your shirt and bra now laid on the ground, exposing your breasts to the cold air. As you pulled down your pants, Ainsley could see stretch marks around your hips. Your beautiful legs were illuminated in the orange light of the sun.

As if guided by some unseen force, Ainsley fell to his knees in front of you. The small space was cramped, he couldn't stand up straight if he tried, but staring at you made gravity shift. You looked down at him with amusement in your eyes as you sat your bare ass on the back car bench. You crossed your legs in front of him as he knelt in front of you like a begging dog. You chuckled devilishly down at him.

"Is there something you want, pet?"

The name sent shivers down his spine. Pet. That's what he was, he was your pet. And he never wanted to be anything else. From his spot kneeling on the carpeted floor, he growled and barked quietly at you. You chuckled in amusement.

"Dirty dog. If someone hears you bark, we'll get caught." You lifted your foot, using just your toe to make the young man tilt his head upward. "And you certainly do not want to get caught. Do you, pet?"

Ainsley straightened his back and started stripping himself desperately. You simply watched him strip. Ainsley whipped off his lost-and-found coat and tore off his shirt, your eyes darted back and forth between scars across his torso.

Dear God. He was only sixteen. A massive red mark grew across the left side of his torso and down his arms. It looked like a burn mark. Small cuts, larger red splotches. Your body relaxed lightly as your heart sank.

"Oh, Ainsley..." you murmured. He looked up at you excitedly as he pulled off his pants. He looked like a puppy ready to play. You couldn't bring up those scars. You spread a big grin on your face as he knelt back in front of you. He was still beautiful.

His lips grazed the inner side of your calf as he kissed up your leg. He licked around your knee, looking up at your face with a pleading look. He wanted to pleasure you so badly. He wanted to be perfect for you. He continued to kiss up into your inner thigh. You gasped lightly, letting your mouth gape open slightly as he licked at you.

His locs grazed your belly as he licked and bit at your inner thigh like a desperate dog in a bowl of food. You couldn't help but lose grip of your composure and moan. You leaned back into the car's headrest and spread your legs for him.

His eyes widened as he looked into your thighs. He didn't know what to do. He hadn't learned anything about sex until you went to that movie. He just went with what felt natural. God, the smell was intoxicating. Your hole was trembling. You looked down at Ainsley, studying your anatomy.

"You okay?" you asked. He glanced up at you and nodded. "Is there something you want?" He hesitated, but nodded again. You smirked lightly. "Do you need a command?"

Ainsley looked up at you, his dark skin blushing. He looked almost drunk on lust. You leaned back on the bed again.

"Lick it, pet."

He hesitated, not sure what angle to go at it from. You gripped his hair and pulled him into your thighs forcefully. His open mouth attacked your mons, lapping at your clit. You leaned back on the bed as he desperately continued.

"Fuck," you whimpered. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck~"

Ainsley looked at your trembling body. Well, he was certainly doing something right. While he nibbled at your pussy lips softly, he began to stroke himself under the seats. The indented floor was beginning to hurt his knees.

Ainsley pushed himself from the floor, momentarily burying his face deeper into you. You whimpered as he did, but gasped when he pulled away to climb atop to straddle your body.

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