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All I have desired,
In you I have found.
No greater pleasure shall be bestowed.
Serving within your realm is where I may find peace.
Loss may come, but for you I am ready.
Every day may fall into night, and every night may fall into day.
Yet with your strength, I may stand on my own.

So... Hi.

Its been a couple years since I last published. I've done a lot of growing as a person. I started this account when I was fourteen, and I'll be turning twenty in a couple months. This account, even when I stopped writing, has been a crutch of mine. I see every comment, every new follower, every vote, everything. In some dark times, it was comforting to know that I still made something people enjoyed.

I've been trying to get into more serious writing, like novels and not reader-inserts. I'm doing my best, but of course art requires time.

My most recent story that had been published, "Small Gifts", was removed due to Wattpad guidelines. Which, considering what it was about, is totally fair and I'm honestly surpised it was up for so long. I'll be making an online blog style thing or find another platform to share it on. I'd like to restart writing from where I stopped and continue my growth as an author. So, here's a story that's been a long time in the making. I honestly began writing this before I wrote "Small Gifts".  So this story has been in the works for +3 years. I feel weird and rather uncomfortable about it, as it contains some stuff that I'm morally against, but everything I've ever written has that so I don't know why I'm hesitant to publish it, you know?

As is tradition, here's your list of trigger warnings:

- Physical and Sexual Assault
- Public Punishments
- Humiliation
- Cults
- Cult Abuse
- Whole lotta Murder, dude.
- Maybe a little bit of cannibalism
- Underage nsfw
- Underage drug use/drinking
- Descriptions of Mutiliation

As always, I ask that if you are under the age of 15, do not continue reading. There are many authors who write good stories for people of younger age groups, but I refuse to allow my works to affect people of a younger age than me. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, to the point I've considered deleting my account because I can see the age groups of people who interact with my works.

If you want my account and stories to stay up and be readily available, discourage children from interacting. Any accounts I discover belong to minors will be immediately blocked.

Carrying on, best of luck, dear Paragon. I hope you enjoy Paragomania.


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