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Well this was awkward. The previous night, you had kissed and hugged. Then you scooped up Ainsley's first stuffed animal that you had won together at a festival game, met with Caleb in his blue sedan, and drove back to the compound. No words were shared, no more hugs, no more kisses. But Ainsley's hand was firmly holding onto yours, all the way until he left you standing on the steps of your own home. Even once the door closed behind you, he remained standing in the cold.

Then, he walked himself back to his home, laid in his bed, and hugged Phillipa the blue leopard. There was no way that the night actually happened, right? Ainsley was drawn into sin by his pure god, and now indulged in his sinful thoughts as much as he could without you there.

He didn't sleep at all that night, tossing and turning between sinful feelings and feelings of shame. He wanted to be at your feet, a good pet, barking when commanded, pulled by a leash and collar. He wanted to be your pet. The thought made him spiral into perverted fantasies of all sorts, the only thing remaining throughout all of them being you.

You woke up in the morning and checked your phone. You had been there about twelve days, with your countdown saying you had 33 days left to live in this compound. You got out of bed and got dressed before rushing out the door. People were already preparing for their morning chores. You followed your set routine of sitting in your 'throne' and listening to the woes of the commune members. But Ainsley was nowhere to be found. You figured he had simply slept in, which would be understandable.

One woman told you about how her husband seemed to have completely changed overnight. One child told you that her big sister had taken her food. One man told you that his daughter had seemingly disappeared.

Good for her, you thought to yourself. At least someone escaped from the cult.

It was nearly noon and you still hadn't seen Ainsley. You checked the fields, nothing. You checked the library, nothing. You checked his house, nothing. As you stepped out of his home, a small girl with tight black coily hair looked up at you in awe. You looked down at her and forced a smile.

"Um, hi," you said.

"Ainsley said you were amazing up close," she murmured, "I didn't think you would be this amazing." You chuckled and knelt down to be eye level with her.

"Uh... thank you. What's your name?" She smiled brightly.

"I'm Brie! I'm Ainsley's little sister!" You smiled at the glowing child.

"That's amazing. Have you seen your brother today?" She nodded, looking you up and down. "Where is he?"

"He's in the car yard," she said with a grin. "Like with all the old cars.He told me not to tell anyone but... you know, you're the paragon!" You nodded and patted her on the head, to which she squeaked just a bit.

"Thanks, Brie." You walked off, leaving the star struck child to stare in awe. Brie was so lucky. She had been touched by the Paragon.

You walked to the commune gate, seeing the yard of overgrown and abandoned cars in rows. The only used car, Caleb's blue sedan, sat further from the others but still in the grass. As you approached, you noticed one of the silver minivan's had its door wide open. It was so cold outside, it must've been at least a little warmer inside the van.

You approached and glanced inside. It was long since abandoned, with moss and plants growing up the tires. A child's car seat was strapped in behind the passenger's seat. Ainsley sat in the far back seat, his head lulled over the back tiredly. You knocked on the car's door as if it was the entrance to a house.

"What do you want?" called out Ainsley's voice from the back seat, not looking to see who had come to retrieve him.

"To talk would be nice." There was a shuffle as the young boy rushed to get out of his hiding place. He nearly fell from his spot, once again wearing the large lost-and-found coat you had given him. "How are you doing?"

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