17 flowers

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I was driving us home from my mom's home and we decided to sit and chill at a park near my place. It was a lot of grass, trees, dogs, and a pond. we sat on a bench and she leaned on my chest and I put my arm around her. The sound of the birds and the leaves flowing with the wind refreshed my soul. Things like this is what you cannot take for granted. The sun was just about to go down and set the world with a beautiful array of colors.

"Isn't this just nice?"

"Yes, yes it is,"

"Sometimes I think what if I was never at the shop that day, where would I be?"

"Somewhere lost..."

"No lie, I haven't been this at peace in a while. It feels good again. I kind of want some pizza,"

"I do too for some reason. Let's get some before we head back,"

"Yeah. Well, since we're here...I wanna take the time out to tell you--"

Her phone started ringing and she frantically searched for it. She shook her head and hung it up.

"Sorry! Oh my gosh! Okay, what were you saying?"

"It's cool. I wanted to tell you that--"

Her phone went off again and she aggressively rolled her eyes.

"Just answer it and I'll tell you after the call. It may be important,"

"Fine. Hello?! What's wrong Mrs. Barker? Look, me and Justin are...oh my God,"

The tone in her voice changed. She slowly got up from the bench and walked away. She paused in the middle of the grass and shook her head multiple times. If I'm not mistaken, I think I heard her sniff. Oh, God! This can't be good. I got up and followed after her to see what the issue was.

"What do you mean? What happened? Why? I thought he'd be okay, what?!" she cried.

"Zuri, what's wrong?"

"Not right now, Duke,"

"What happened?"

She continued to further her distance until she reached the pond. What the fuck is up, bruh? Why is she crying?! I went after her again to see what was going on.

"I'm trying to be nice, Zuri. I need to know what is going on,"

"it's not important to you, okay?"

She wiped her face and dried her eyes fixing her appearance.

"If you're hurt, it is important to me! What happened?"

"That was Justin's mom on the phone..."

"Okay. What did she say?"

"...I can't"

"Yes, you can. What did she say?"

"Yesterday night...Justin went into the hospital for overdosing,"

Oh, Lord...

"He's been in a come for the whole day, but...he didn't make it,"

"Justin is...is dead?"

Oh, Lord...

"He died just a few minutes ago at the hospital. I don't know what to do,"

"Oh, shit...this man died from overdosing,"

"I never knew Justin to take drugs. He would only smoke weed--I don't know what happened!"

I sat with her by the pond, holding her hand as she cried and tried to process the news. Justin, her best friend since childhood, was gone. The weight of the loss hung heavy in the air as we sat in silence, both of us grappling with the suddenness of it all.As the reality of the situation sunk in, I could see the pain etched on her face. I tried to offer words of comfort, but they felt hollow in the face of such a tragic loss.We stayed by the pond until the sun began to set, the world around us growing dark as she mourned the loss of her old friend. In that moment, all that mattered was being there for her, holding her hand and offering a shoulder to cry on.In the days that followed, we leaned on each other for support, finding solace in our shared grief. The loss of Justin had left a void in this moment, a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing those we hold dear.As we navigated the difficult days ahead, I vowed to be there for her, to help her through the pain and sorrow of losing someone so dear to her heart.

Her crying over Justin's death didn't bother me, but it's important to understand that they had a long history together and were planning to get married. She still had feelings for him even when I entered the picture. Justin was her first and only boyfriend, so being with me was still unfamiliar to her. Despite Justin's flaws, they had a strong friendship that lasted for years, so his sudden death was shocking. I suppose the guilt and heartbreak became too much for him.


Justin's funeral was today and Zuri had went. She's been gone for about three hours. I hope Justin's death didn't change our relationship and she wants to be single again. I do not want to lose her again! I don't even care, bruh. I said what I said. 

A knock on my door broke the silence from my quiet condo. I looked in the peephole and saw it was her. I opened the door and she walked inside and sat on the kitchen chair. She placed her things on the island and took a deep breath.

"How was it?"

"It was a well put together,"

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine. I didn't expect this to happen,"


"I'm sorry if this made you uncomfortable,"

"It's fine. I get it. I hope this situation doesn't change what we have. I really want to keep you in my life, Zuri,"

"You already have me. Nothing is ever going to change my mind,"

"I hope not,"

"Duke, I am with you and that is that, okay? There is no one else and this is not going to ruin us,"

"I hear you,"

"Besides, I couldn't leave you if I tried,"


"My heart is locked with yours and I threw away the key,"

I put on a small smile and leaned in for a kiss. Every time I kiss her I feel like the world disappeared for a minute and left us two hanging. My body feels like it's floating and my nerves are like calm waters. There's no need to ever get those keys back.

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❀✿  (Duke Dennis Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now