10 flowers

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I had been released from the hospital and my mom decided she was going to watch over me at her home. I told her she didn't have to, but she forced her way into doing so. I stayed in my old room from when I used to live here. It's a plan room now, but all of my awards and trophies are still here. She said she and Naomi were going to cook for tonight. Naomi also took my car and parked it in the driveway.


Why am I going so hard for Zuri? Maybe I do have strong feelings for her. We went to the park, went out to eat, went to the pumpkin patch, talked on the phone for hours...but the way I acted was different. He pushed her like she was some nigga off the street! That wasn't cool. I scared Micheal and the staff...damn. I didn't mean for all of that to happen. I'm stuck with a concussion, but he got a few bruises and he's okay. Bogus...

"How's the moving process?" I asked.

"It's going okay. I found a place not far from here...I didn't tell Justin yet," Zuri said.

"Let it be a surprise,"

"It feels so unreal how everything is happening. Like I'm actually leaving. I know everyone would be happy though,"

"I am. If you don't wanna stay there until you move then you can stay with me until your home is ready,"

"Thanks. Ever since you guys fought, he's been trying to be nice to me. I hate that it took for another man to give me attention and now he wants to be a gentleman again,"

"What's he been doing?"

"He's been telling me good morning, how good I look, offering to cook for me, he even apologized to me numerous times,"

"He's the one who put me in a come though,"

"Yeah, but you did beat him up pretty bad even though he just has bruises. Plus, he's been trending for the past couple of days because someone recorded his tantrum at the house recorded the fight at the dealership. It's all over the internet,"

"All over the internet? I didn't see anything!"

"Because you've been 'sleep'. His reputation is declining bad right now. I guess he's trying to clean it up,"

"He deserves everything he's getting. That's what he gets and I hope he really learns from this situation. Right now, my mom and sister are making dinner for the family...my dad is coming over,"

"You guys haven't talked yet?"

"No. I guess I have no choice but to keep my composure—at least I'll try to,"

"Just don't stress yourself out about anything because I'm pretty sure you still have a headache,"

"Yes. I gotta go downstairs...text me if anything is up, okay?"

"Yeah. I'll talk to you in a minute,"

I hung the phone and braced myself to go downstairs. I got up from my bed and stretched for a bit. My vision was still a bit fuzzy, but it was clear enough for me to see. I made my way into the dining room and they were placing the food on the table.

"Hey, baby," my mom said, giving me a hug.

"Hey, ma,"

"Did you sleep okay?"

"Yes ma'am,"

"Look, I know you and dad don't get along well, but can you please be cool?"

"I'll try. As long as everything is smooth, then I'm good,"

"Thank you. Doctor's said as soon as I have this surgery, then they can remove the tumor and I should be okay. Luckily I caught it early,"

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❀✿  (Duke Dennis Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now