7 flowers

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I got up the next morning and scooped up Zuri. I saw her boyfriend was at home, but I don't know if he saw me. She came to me and gave me a hug once she got in the car. She smelled like watermelon and strawberries. Sweet just like her. However, as I was backing out of the driveway, I saw a figure in the blinds...that must be Justin. Ya know I don't care though.

We arrived at the pumpkin patch and there was a lot of families, couples and friends here. There were some activities for us to do and the pumpkin patch was in the back. It smelled like pumpkin, coffee, hay, and grass. The first stop we made was inside the gift shop. She saw some pumpkin earrings she wanted to buy.

"These are cute! I think imma buy these. It smells like pumpkin too! I need some new accessories,"

"Those look extremely cute on you,"

"Thanks! Adding these to my new collection!"

"I also want this hoodie. Everything in here, I'd buy for sure,"

"Did he find out about me dropping you off?"

"Yeah. He wanted me to tell him who it was, but I didn't tell him. Wasn't none of his fucking business. Then he got mad that Sky had a boyfriend. The only thing I feel bad about is the accountant not doing their job. I shouldn't even feel bad for that shit,"

"He just overall a coon. Fuck is you mad another bitch in a relationship for? Corny,"

"Very. Alright I'm ready to pick out a pumpkin,"

We went to the register and she bought the earrings and the hoodie. She swapped out her jacket and put the hoodie on. We walked to the back to go get a pumpkin and we were walking we saw a lot of little kids playing at the small playground. I remember those days. I used to be outside when I was a kid and I learned to do backflips and shit. What a wonderful time.

"Okay, let's see. I don't want anything too big, but enough for me to have some space to carve and decorate,"

"Take your time. No rushing,"

"Justin used to rush me all the time! I got so tired of it, I went alone one time,"

"Is Justin, like...I don't know, over you?"

"Probably...he doesn't show me any type of affection anymore. I don't know, Duke. We used to be so perfect. He's disrespectful, ignorant, a narcissist and it's pushing me away. He doesn't seem to care much,"

"Is he controlling?"

"He's is, but I do what I want. You can lead me, but you're not about to fucking boss me around. I don't like that. This is a big one right here," she said, holding the pumpkin.

"How long has it been since you were happy with him?"

"Probably three years ago. Don't get me wrong, there were still good times, but it really didn't get worse til like the last year. He just stopped caring and made everything about him. The first time he just stopped making me one his priorities, but I let it slide. He's busy too, you know? But last year...he just got so full of himself. It's like I don't exist to him,"

"Why don't you leave?"

"I love Justin. We've been friends since middle school and been together for eight years now and that's a lot of years gone down the drain. I don't like that. But...I'm starting to think it's time. He doesn't care about me and I try to work things out. I'm stuck,"

"I think you deserve better. You've done all you could do. I don't think he's the right one for you anymore and you should find something else,"

"I'm still thinking about it. I think this is a nice size pumpkin. What you think?"

𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❀✿  (Duke Dennis Fan Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ