Return To Down Under Ending

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Que cutscene 

The scene reveals the destroyed base as the ship flys out. Sly looks at the window and smirks

Sly: the place went out with bang, literally, not only did we beat ripper roo, but we managed to find one of my friends 

Murray: ahahah

Sly turns as we see Murray going Gaga over the jet. He runs around causing things to shake. Rumble catches things that fall off spinners web.

Rumble: easy Mr. Thunder, this jet isn't use to added weight 

Murray: oh sorry rumble but in this a cool, man if only I had my van this would be a wicked combo 

Spinner:[at the wheels] well glad you like it Murray 

Murray: oh mind if I can take it for a spin 

Spinner: hahaha no

Rumble: it's gonna take a lot for spinner to let you fly the jet. Barely lets me 

Murray: not to worry tumble, the Murray can be persuasive

Murray heads to the cockpit.

Rumble: this I gotta see

Rumble follows him as sly watched. 

Sly: I never had thought Murray would be in the Outback. But I'm glad he was. Murray is the teams muscle well my teams muscle. He's the kind of friend you can't count on in a tight squeeze. But now, how is he and rumble gonna work. 

We get a scene of Murray and rumble fighting enemies on different sides.

Sly: When it comes to smash capability rumble and Murray both tie. But they bother play by their own rules. I worry that the two knuckleheads can work together. If not then we may not be able to find bently and shut down the klaww klan. 

Then suddenly the entire plane begins to shake, it then spirals out of control.

Spinner: ahh

Spinner falls out the cockpit.

Rumble: so your plan was to bump spinner and take shotgun 

Murray: don't don't worry the Murray got this!

Spinner: get off my seat 

Spinner rushed at the cockpit.

Sly: heh, assuming if we can reach it in one piece 

Sly runs and helps spinners. The jet flys through clouds, we get a close up of all of them screaming before zooming off to Rome. Basically like this.( Murray is hunk/lance, spinners Pidge, sly is Keith and rumble is Shiro).

( Murray is hunk/lance, spinners Pidge, sly is Keith and rumble is Shiro)

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Cutscene over

Boom that's it for the episode 2 ending. Murray is now on the team, and the gang is heading to Rome, but how do they get there. And who'll be joining the team next. Next episode, honor glory and theivery awaits in, There's no place like Rome.

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