Clash of Cooper and Saurian Ending

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Que Cutscene 

We get a scene of Interpol storming the base as we see Rumble, Sly and Spinner in the shadows.

Sly: it didn't take long for Interpol to coming guns blazing. But to my surprise no Carmelita. I guess my absence gave her much needed relaxation times Interpol got whiff of the Klaww Klan and their tech. They captured the henchmen.

We see a scene transit to the black knight without her helmet

Sly: all but the black knight as she got away. I was kinda relieved when I saw it wasn't Penelope.

The scene transit to a safe spot where Rumble and Spinner fill Sly on what happened.

Sly: the dynamic duo filled me in, I was gone for 2 years. And Bentley and Murray have disappeared.  And this Klaww Klan has been running around growing their forces. And are now trying to revive Clockwork. My and Rumble family most dangerous threat returing from the great beyond with a potential army. I can't let that happens, I guess that'll mean I'll have to team up with Rumble

The scene zooms on sly and Rumble faces.

Cutscene over

Air port.

Our scene takes place at the airport. We see the team on a bus as they depart off it. And run to a hangar.

Rumble: alright we done in Monte Carlo so let's go

Spinner: yeah I'll get our ride ready. 

Spinner crawls inside as we hear various noises. Rumble looks at sly who looked at the stars. Rumble felt empathy and sighs walking to sly.

Rumble: you ok, I know that's a lot to take in

Sly: my friends being missing, I've been in Egypt for two years, yeah it is something. I always new I would comeback. I didn't expect it to be like this.  The only thing that kept me going was remembering the faces of my friends.

Rumble: wow, those must be great friends 

Sly: you'd love them, Bentley is the brains and Murray the lovable muscle 

Rumble: heh, I could assays use a sparring partner 

Both of them laugh

Rumble: you know bandito, Miss P said we'd need you to stop this, but no one will blame you if you want out

Sly: oh it's a know brained leatherhead, I'm in, a chance to stop clockwork and take a bite out of the Klaww Klan, I wouldn't miss this for anything. And it'll give me the chance to find my friends

Rumble: heh, I'm not surprised. But that does mean you'll be working with me, and just so you know me and my bud hit hard and fast. You think you can keep up

Sly: well, just watch me rumble

Sky extends a hand as rumble shakes it.

Rumble: guess this means I fathers would be proud, us finally working together. Even if it's temporary.

Sly: yeah.... So how are we going to the outback aka Australia. I got a tip there's trouble there and we may find something that give us the edge. Plus I usually travel and Murray's van.

Rumble: [snicker] I'm sorry you drive in a van

Sly: a tricked out van. And what do you drive across  country to country, your motorcycle 

Rumble: Saurian Cycle, and as fast as it is, it's good or races and getaways. But don't worry. We got something good.

Rumble knocks on the hangar, the doors open up and sly is speechless. It was a massive cargo jet.

Spinner: all aboard

Sly: ok I'm impressed

The two look at each other and smile. They walk inside.

Spinner: attention, passengers, we about to take off. Remember the emergency exits are here here here here everywhere. Next stop, the outback.

The jet takes off and fly into the sky.

Boom that's it's for the prologue ending. Hope you are impressed with the teams mode of transportation. Rumble and spinner are like new characters and with their skills, jobs that normally take awhile will go by fast. Also episodes may be 3-5 chapters long each having an intro and ending episode like this one. Next chapter, Episode 2.

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