Return To Down Under

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Que Cutscene

Flying through the Sky we see the jet. Inside sky looks through the window. 

Sly: it's been only a few hours but to me it feels like years have past. 

We see images of the copper gang and Carmelita. 

Sly: and a lot has happened to my friends. I have no idea where they are. But now

He looks down to see rumble and looks up to spinner piloting.

Sly: with them I can finally get the answer I need. And take out the klaww klan will be a nice bonus. And the first stop is the Outback. Thanks to spinner and his connections we learn a klaww klan base is in the outback where my old team me the guru. It's a small base for shipping out supplies. But it should gives us the information we need. Rumble has also told about a head honcho of base. His name is Ripper Roo, on a scale of 1 to ten, he's an 11. He was born a raise to be a real threat, no wonder the klaww klan recruit this furious roo boss. Rumors said that he likes to host cage match for his spare time. And has acquired a real heavy hitter. But I have a pretty good feeling that he's about to come face to face with our own heavy hitter

Sky looks at rumble as he equipped his gauntlet, he exchanges glances with sly as well. The ship flies off towards the outback. Not notice a winged figure followed them.

Cutscene over

• Location: Outback

• Jobs: unkown

This is start of episode two 


Rumble and sly sneak into the base to find answer of other klaww klan bases. Doing show they learn of the real purpose of the base. While they plan to stop it sly learns of a prisoner who has more to him then meats the eye. Soon the mission turns from a recon to a destroy to a breakout all in one. And a reunion of brothers

Boom that's it for the episode debrief. What else is in store for the cooper and Saurian team up. Next chapter, landing back into the action in, return to down under.

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