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-GET VERY COMFORTABLE, cz I got too carried away with this. I was about to split the chapter, but y'all deserve to be long for the delay lol enjoy those 10k words :D

Something he didn't expect was to find himself at that circular table sharing lunch with her again. She invited me to her house for lunch. Isn't that great? After all he had questioned in the morning, this was something much better. And the good thing was that there weren't other people, it was less awkward, but he still wasn't sure, since she just ate without looking up, just focused on her food. It was funny that this made him miss her eyes darting daggers at him, like that time.

—Are you all right? —he asked softly. She finally looked up at him.

—Well, yeah, yes, all right —she nodded, rolling the spaghetti on the fork.

—I have to say that the food is very tasty. Everything is on point.

—Really? —she looked up, impressed by the comment she wasn't expecting at all.

She took a quick look at the man in front of her, with whom she was still amazed at how they got here, getting back to having lunch together. His hair was semi-damp, probably from a shower at the gym, he was wearing a baggy t-shirt and jeans, looking radiant. While she felt her muscles tired inside, the shower had relaxed her well, but seeing him so animated eating, in some way was infecting her.

—Well, you may have added a little more of...

—How funny —she scoffed —this time you're not right —she cut him off and went back to eating.

—The other time I did?

—The day of lunch, I think I added a little too much salt —she grimaced, remembering that day.

—No, I wasn't serious, that one was delicious and... this one too, no complaints —he said sincerely and bit into the meat.

—That's good to know, but I like to push myself, that's how I can always improve. My grandmother's recipe was never easy, she was one of the best in her neighborhood in Italy, and I want to surpass her —she laughed.

He smiled inwardly, remembering how much she bragged about her roots and how well cooked via chat. At the end of it all, she was right, she was very good at it.

—I can imagine, but as long as you don't get overwhelmed by it, it's fine, perfection is not easy.

—That's right —she continued eating and saw that Bradley had already finished —wow, you eat fast, do you want more?

—Eh...no, it's okay, you eat —he said that, but she could see how his eyes rested on her food.

—No problem, I have plenty in the kitchen —she got up and poured him some more, —here you go.

—You didn't have to bother —he was about to say more, but the plate in front of him looked promising, he picked up the fork and continued eating.

She looked at him in surprise. Not that she fills up very quickly, but his case was at much higher levels.

—You do eat a lot —she blurted out and he stopped eating, embarrassed —no, sorry, go on, I'm not judging you, I'm just surprised because I didn't believe it because the way you look ...you know what I mean. I want to believe also because my dish is good —she laughed nervously, avoiding saying more mess of words.

—Ah, I just love food —he shrugged —exercise makes me hungry, but it also helps me keep the weight off, it's like a circle that complements each other. And of course, when the food is good it's hard to hold back —he flashed a tight smile.

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