Cute Young Lloyd Headcanons

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He would imitate the other ninjas because he wanted to be more like them.

Sees Kai as an older brother.

Definitely had tons of stuffed animals to sleep with.

He would sleep with Kai a lot when it was cold because Kai's always warm.

Definitely had a crush on Brad (don't come at me for this please💀💔)

When Cole feels really sad, Lloyd would either buy Cole a cake or make one with Zane.

Was definitely an over dramatic kid.

Still cared about Pythor, even though he betrayed Lloyd.

He would sometimes mix up the ninja's names and call them the wrong name, besides Nya.

Has definitely tried to lift Cole's weights but miserably failed to.

When he's a little overheated, he would snuggle up to Zane.

Definitely used to watch Nya work and try to help her.

Has given Brad a flower before because it reminded him of Brad and their friendship.

Doesn't think about his mother because he's more focused on his new family and friends.

Has most likely called Wu "father" or "dad" when he got extremely sleepy or drowsy, especially when he first wakes up.

Absolutely loves cats but is too scared to pet them.

Definitely wanted a pet turtle.

Has definitely tried to eat everything at least once in his little life.

This is all the cute ones about Lloyd so far. There might be more parts for his cute headcanons lol.

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