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"There are millions of people in Hell scattered throughout the seven rings and nine circles. Some are sinners, some are Hell-born, and some are unlucky souls who got screwed in the living world."

"These are their problems."

Luke: Your mom's pet cat needed a visit to the vet the other day...


Down in the Sloth Ring, Luke was in the vet while holding KeeKee. He had just finish his visit to Belphegor which took nearly 3 hours to get a specific prior authorization for Loona's cure. Afterwards, he had to take KeeKee for a quick checkup as Charlie was in the middle of some royal business.

For the most part, things were pretty mellow, until another cat decided to be a dick and cause mayhem. It gets on the receptionist desk and knocks over a cup of water which lands on a dog laying next to it. It freaks the dog out, having it jump, and he chases the cat around the area. The cat then proceeds to knock a bookshelf over and it nearly hits the dog. Another dog then gets up and fights the other dog.

The cat relaxes for a second before knocking a bird cage over and freeing some birds. They were screeching and flying around, some even poking and clawing at some of the guests. The cat then was about to jump on Luke, but then KeeKee smacks it away with her tail, sending it flying off and hitting the wall.

Ashely everyone but Luke were freaking out and trying to control their pets, one of the vets came out of the back room.

Vet: Morningstar?

Luke gets up while holding KeeKee and enters the back. While on the outside he was perfectly calm, inside he was actually boiling with rage from all the bullshit happening.


Luke: Even though Pentagram's known for chaotic daily drama, the Sloth Ring's known for their mayhem when a cat gets bored and needs to remind people why every house is their house.

"One Helluva Team"

The scene begins up in the human world. In a dark room, two government agents were looking at a few monitors that projected images of I.M.P. going on their recent kills on Earth.

Agent One: Right there! This was the first sighting.

Agent Two: They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world... and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people. But, why?

Agent One: They always attack at random, aaaall over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!

A loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by a stock angry cat sound. The two agents immediately glance over to a barred-up window obscured by heavily damaged blinds. Agent Two makes a gap between the blinds to the outside to see what made that noise. The agents then see the source of all the racket: Blitzo, standing on a box and a dumpster while holding the dumpster lid open. He looks around suspiciously?

Agent Two: Ahhh, well... That's convenient.

Outside, Blitzo was standing on trash bags and holding a dumpster lid open.

Blitzo: Shhhhh! Remember, we can't be seen.

Blitzo slams the dumpster lid loudly, but then falls backwards into a pile of trash bags. Millie silently chuckles at his predicament, then walks away.

Moxxie: Pardon my words, sir, but you're currently being the loudest.

Blitzo jumps up out of the garbage pile covered in trash; he has an old newspaper on his forehead, a half-eaten lollipop stuck to the side of his head, a scrap of paper on his horn with an old banana peel impaled on the end of it, and a used condom on his index finger, the same finger he uses to poke Moxxie's face indignantly.

One Helluva Team (Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss OC Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora