Gonna Have A Good Time

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Lucifer was just the happiest demon in hell the reason for this is because her daughter is getting married and her fiancé seems like a good girl he thought since she and Charlie are back he thought he would try to get to know her better since they're soon to be in laws it is necessary for them to get to know each other and get along he hadn't been in touch with Charlie for awhile and he honestly feels guilty about it mostly being stuck with his duties as king and dealing with heaven he was mostly distant from Charlie he made up for some points in Time during the years but it wasn't that it was the fact that he overworked himself to barely be around her so he's making up for lost time and it starts today by talking to his soon to be daughter in law he knocks on his daughters door to her and vaggie's room and Charlie answers with a smile "Hey Dad What's Up?" He smiles back and responds "Well I Thought I Check On You Two And Tell You And Vaggie Something" He says and Charlie soon calls vaggie over to her father "What's up Honey?" She asked and sees her soon to be father in law at their door "Well Dad Wanted To Tell Us Something" she walks up to her fiancé and her fiancé's father and Lucifer then speaks once more "I Was Thinking That Maybe Me And Vaggie Could Hang Out For A Bit! You Know Some Family In Law Bonding!" He said with enthusiasm and a huge smile on his face vaggie was taken by surprise from this but guess it is a good idea to get along with at least one out of the two parents of her fiancé since the other one is a fucking bitch wanting to ruined her daughters wedding and happiness so she at least hoped Lucifer wasn't in on it "Uh Sure I Guess It Couldn't Hurt" she said nervously and the king smiled Charlie jumped in pure joy and hugged the two tight they could hardly breathe she eventually let's go of the two "I'm So Glad You Two Are Doing This! I Actually Was Going To Hang With Angel, Husk And Pentious For An Activity Today So This Seems Like The Perfect Time!" She heads off to join the people in the lobby and the two fallen angels are left in a awkward silence until Lucifer broke the silence between them "So Uh.....Want To Get Something To Eat?" He asked his daughters fiancé who answered "Sure" and so he teleported them to a dinner and sat down and look at the menu to order as they looked at their menu's and ordered their food after the waitress pulled up Lucifer then asked a sudden question "So Does Charlie Know?" Vaggie looked up at him with confusion of what he meant by that "Know About What?" She asked and his response was the most shocking "That You're An Fallen Angel" Vaggie then turn pale as if she just threw up and she might having the fact that he knows she is an Angel "You Know?!" She asked and he responded calmly "I Was An Angel Before I Became A Fallen. I Know What Angels Look Like And There Isn't Much Of A Hiding Appearance" he said as Vaggie understood what he meant by that and continued "Hey Look I'm Not Gonna Say Anything But You Should Tell Charlie The Truth" He said calmly as vaggie looks away from her guilt it was hard for her to try and tell Charlie that she was an angel once she was afraid of losing Charlie forever and somehow redemption could do that but she feels like she can't hide it anymore "To Be Honest It's Been Hard Trying To......I've Always Been Ashamed Of Who I Was" she looks down at her drink while saying this and Lucifer sees how much she's been hurt "It's Not Easy To Admit Things You Aren't Proud Of...Especially When Those Things Hurt The Ones You Love" she nods in agreement as Lucifer continues talking "But You're Actions Speak The Truth While The Words Get Cheap And From What Ive Seen, You Will Never Let Anything Hurt My Girl And I Trust That" Lucifer said sincerely to vaggie who smiles and holding back her tears from the encouraging words from her soon to be father in law he steps up from his seat and reaches a hand out for vaggie who accepts and the two start walking as music starts to get louder
🎵So When You Say You Don't Know What To Do🎵
(He Twirls His Cane And Tap Danced)
🎵Cause Something Has You Down In The Blues🎵
(Walks Around Vaggie And Starts Dancing)
🎵But Hey Vaggie Trust Me Things Can Get Rough But🎵
(Vaggie Soon Follows His Moves And The Two Dance)
🎵It's Worth Shining A New Light To Staaart Again! With New Family And Friends🎵
(He Teleports The Two Of Them In A Circus Like Background And Flys)
🎵The Most Of What You Make In Your Life
Is worth So Much For Your Heart To Shine
(Upbeat Jazz Music Plays At Lucifer Flys Around With Vaggie)
🎵I Have To Be Honest, I Always Never Proud Of What I Did🎵
(Lands On The Ground As Vaggie's Past Appears Scene For Scene Behind Her)
🎵I Just Wish There Was More Than Just Being A Slaughter Of Thousands On End🎵
(Looks At Her Reflection Showing Her Old Self At A Window)
🎵And That's Where I Met Her And She Changed My Life Forever🎵
(Her And Charlie's Past Shows As She Sings)
🎵So I Guess Knowing Someone She Cares For  as well Hanging With Me For The Good Speck Of Light🎵
(Dances With Lucifer)
(The Two Dance With A Jazz Band Together)
🎵..... Even Though We're Seen As The Ones For Betray The Morals Of Life🎵
🎵 We Both know That's Bullshit But It Means We Have What It Really Takes To Make The Right Mistakes🎵
🎵 So No Matter Comes Our Way We'll Do It For A Special Someone Each Day🎵
(The Music Dies Down As They Fly Back to The Hotel)
They got back to the hotel and vaggie sees Charlie with Pentious at the lobby and Lucifer heads to his and his wife's room Sir Pentious is currently petting kee kee with sparkles in his eyes of how cute the cyclops cat is and Charlie is checking the channels to see what's good vaggie sits next to her and her fiancé notices "Hey Vaggie! How Was It With Dad?" Charlie asked while hugging her and vaggie soon answered "It Went Well, You're Dad And I Had A Fun Time" Charlie's smile grew wider as she squeezed her fiancé and vaggie giggles before asking "So What About You?" She said and Charlie laughed and pointed to a certain direction and to her surprise she sees Angel and husk behind the bar with Angel helping husk restock the bar and kisses the cat demon on the cheek and causes husk to smile and chuckle with a blushed face "No Way! You Gotta Tell Me How!" She said in cheer shock and anticipation at the newly formed couple Charlie fills her in while Lilith watches from afar with disgust "Something Bothering You?" She turned to see Alostor asking her the question with his usual grin "Of Course There Is! That Little Bitch Must Really Think She Can Marry My Daughter!?" She says in a venomous voice while snarling at the engaged couple with one being her little girl Alostor retained his usual smile and says "Well They've Been Together For Some Time And Are In Love But I Will Follow You're Orders If Necessary Things Need To Happen" Lilith thinks for a moment before coming to a conclusion and pulls out her phone and sends a message to someone and a little bit later they reply "You Have New Orders, Kill Vaggie!" Alostor Goes Static With Shock Fear And Surprise "Kill Her?!" She nods and says "Yes You Take Her Somewhere With Adam's Second In Command And KILL HER! Or I Will Destroy You're Soul As If No One Ever Knew You Existed!" She said once again in a venomous way while holding alostor by a purple chain around his neck and all he could do is nod then she lets him go "And I Want To Make Sure She Suffers" she said and leaves as Alostor is now caught in a hard decision what will he do next?
*End Of Chapter Nine*

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