The Parents

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The now engaged couple were sleeping in their bed peacefully when the sun rose up and vaggie soon stretched and yawned she turned to see Charlie still sleeping with her messy hair and she smiles at her fiancé she gets up and Starts to head to the shower and got dressed soon after Charlie woke up "Morning Princesa" said vaggie as Charlie stretched out her arms and legs "Morning Gorgeous" she said as vaggie giggles a places a Kiss on her forehead Charlie chuckles before getting up and getting dressed as well the two sat down in the lobby with coffee in their hands and sitting at the lounge area with Angel eating cereal with fat Nugs in his lap husk at the bar as always Nifty playing with kee kee and sir Pentious handing his eggs they're breakfast Alostor wasn't seen anywhere in the room they knew he must be doing his radio broadcast as usual and as the rest of the group enjoys their morning Charlie gets a message from her father saying (Me And You're Mother Are Coming Over, We Got You're Message About Being Engaged So We Decide To Stay At The Hotel Of Yours Til The Wedding and See The New Member Of The Family) Charlie's expression goes quickly to panic and shock at the news and shouts "HOLY SHIT" everyone jumps by Charlie's reaction fat nuggets gets covered in Angels cereal and causing Angel to gasp and husk nearly choked on his drink nifty and kee kee jump and scream like cats (with one being a cat ironically) and vaggie and Pentious get startled by the reaction vaggie goes to ask her what was the matter "Hun What's Wrong?" Then Charlie explained and the reaction from vaggie was accurate "I Sent A Message To My Parents That About Us Getting Married And They're Coming Over!" Everyone then gasped as vaggie shouted "LIKE NOW?!" Charlie nods and shows vaggie the text confirming what she said was true and vaggie then started to panic cause this was the first time meeting Charlie's parents in person since she only heard about them through stories and from Charlie from the small talks she has on the phone with them Charlie then tries to calm vaggie down "Vaggie Honey It's Okay It's Going To Be Okay!" She says then Vaggie spoke in disagreement "But What If They Hate Me?! What If They Make Us Break Up?! What If" Charlie then puts her hands on her fiancés shoulders "Vaggie It's Going To Be Okay, That Won't Happen I Promise" she gives vaggie reassuring smile to her fiancé and vaggie soon takes a deep breath and starts to calm down "Okay So How Long Til They Arrive?" She asked Charlie as decides to ask them herself and they reply with in a hour
"We Got An Hour Before They Arrive" she says to vaggie and so everyone cleans up the mess that was made by Charlie's freak out and they get themselves into they're regular clothes and decorate the hotel to welcome the king and queen alostor pops in seeing it all and finds it curious and goes to husk to get the answer "Husk My Dear Boy! What Has Been Going On In My Appebence?" He asked the cat demon drinking his booze as usual and puts his drink down to respond to the radio demon In front of him "Charlie's Parents Are Coming Over" He said and picks up his drink and chugs it down as always Alostor proceeds to walk around the hotel and to his luck he sees Charlie and vaggie in the lobby with vaggie adjusting Charlie's bow tie "And There, Heh Cute As Ever" vaggie said as she kissed Charlie on the cheek causing Charlie to blush like a tomato "VAGGIE" The two laughed until the see alostor coming over to them with his usual smile "Well Hello Ladies! Is It True Of What I Was Informed Of The King And Queen's Arrival?" He says looking at the engaged couple who answered with a nod and Alostor started to laugh in a cheerful tone before he spoke "Well That Does Makes Things Interesting Well I Might As Well Get Ready!" He then disappears as the lights flicker causing a shiver down the couple's spines but brush it off knowing it is alostor after all so they continued to get things ready and wait for the arrival of Lucifer and Lilith
*An Hour Later*
Everyone was ready and set to see the king and queen of hell Lucifer and Lilith the group sat in the lobby on the couches and they all heard a knock at the door and the engaged couple head's for the door and gets ready they look at each other knowing they're both nervous wrecks but they aren't afraid and are ready to face anything together like they always have and so Charlie opens the door revealing her parents her father was shorter than her mother and her mother was taller Charlie soon greets her parents to the hotel
"Mom! Dad! I'm Glad You Could Make-" she suddenly gets cut off by Lucifer Hugging in a tight grip as he speaks like she's a baby "Oh Charlie It's So Good To See You My Little Princess!" Her mother soon puts her hand on his shoulder as she speaks "Luci Dear, Maybe You Don't Suffocate Our Child Before Her Wedding?" She says and Lucifer let's go of Charlie who gasps for air the parents soon turn their attention to vaggie who is nervous beyond belief Charlie sees this and introduces her to them "Oh This Is Vaggie, My Fiancé!" Vaggie waves at them nervously and smiles as her fiancés parents greet her "It's Nice To Meet You Vaggie I'm Charlie's Father!" Said Lucifer shaking vaggie's hand up and down with excitement after that was over Lilith came up to her "So You're The One Who Proposed To My Daughter" Lilith said in a intimated voice which causes vaggie to gulp in a nervous manner until Lilith's cold expression changed to a warm smile "Well It's An Honor To Meet The One Who Swept My Daughter Off Her Feet" the two chuckle and so did Charlie with a blushed face Lucifer hugs his daughter again this time not squeezing her with small tears in his eyes "I'm So Happy For You" she smiles at his words and hugs back and they engaged couple introduced them to the rest of the hotel staff and after some time everyone sat in the dining room eating some of alostor's jambalaya "So When Is The Wedding Supposed To Start?" Asked Lilith in curiosity about when the wedding is coming the engaged couple look at each other before answering "Well We Would Have To Get Everything We Need For The Wedding And A Guest List Of Who We're Going To Invite So Maybe Like In A Month" said charlie as holds vaggie's hand under the table and squeezes it as they smile at each other "Sounds Reasonable I Don't Mind Catching Up Sweetie" Lucifer said to the pair with a smile and then his wife spoke "I Agree, It's Been Quite Some Time Charlotte" the parents said to their daughter who gave a nod with a smile once dinner was over Charlie and vaggie showed what room they'll be staying in til the wedding and wished them goodnight the engaged couple sat in their bed discussing the events of today "So How Do You Think We Did With My Parents?" Asked charlie to vaggie who responded with "Surprisingly Well I Mean I Thought It Would Be Bad But I Think They're Great" Charlie hugs Vaggie with a smile on her face "I Knew They Would And Trust Me They Love You Like I Do" said charlie before she kissed vaggie on the lips and Vaggie smiles and does the same and soon the two started making out
A exterminator comes to the back of the hotel and stands in front of Lilith and alostor and speaks "Are You Sure It's Her?!" Asked The Exterminator to Lilith "I'm Sure I Mean She Has An Angelic Spear And A "X" On Her Eye It's Not Rocket Science" she said to the exterminator with a blank face as the exterminator gets more angry before sighing heavily and speaking "We'll Be Back Tomorrow For The Traitor!" The exterminator said and flew away into a portal to Heaven then alostor comes up to Lilith "Are You Sure You Want To Do This You're Highness?"
He asked her and Lilith turns around to face him and says "Yes, I'm Not Letting Someone Who Killed Thousands Of My People Marry My Daughter!" Alostor hesitates before asking another question to the queen "Does The King Know?" She didn't answer and looks away from him and alostor nods knowing the answer "There's No Need For Anything Else Now, When This Is Over You're Debt Is Done But You're Unable To Cause Harm To The Hotel And My Family Understand?" She says with seriousness and glares at Alostor making sure he won't go back on his word and alostor nods in agreement of her request the two walk back into the hotel and Lilith sees a picture of her daughter and vaggie at a restaurant clearly being on a date somewhere in time she gives a concerned puzzling look as she says "I Hope You Understand Charlie" and walks to her room
*End Of Chapter Six*

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