Part 19

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Gracie stepped down from the bus, her backpack slung over one shoulder, and started the familiar trek down the tree-lined street toward her house. The afternoon sun dappled through the leaves, casting a warm, golden light on the pavement. She walked with a casual ease, her mind wandering through the events of the school day.

As she reached her front door, she fished the keys out of her pocket and let herself in. The house was quiet, save for the soft ticking of the wall clock in the hallway. She could smell the faint aroma of coffee in the air, a sure sign her was home

She found her mother at the kitchen table, a mug in her hands and a faraway look in her eyes. As Gracie approached, her mother seemed to stir from her thoughts, but no words came. Instead, she simply stood up, the chair scraping softly against the tile floor, and walked over to her daughter. Her eyes were full of unspoken words, a silent conversation passing between them.

Her mother's expression shifted as she closed the distance between them, her brows knitting together in a clear sign of disapproval. "Gracie, do you have any idea what time it is? I've been worried sick. You're late," she chided, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and frustration.

Gracie, taken aback by the sudden reprimand, felt a surge of defense rise within her. "But Mum, you didn't say what time I needed to be home," she replied, her tone firm yet respectful. "I didn't know you'd be waiting. I would have hurried if I'd known." Her words hung in the air, a plea for understanding as she hoped to bridge the gap of miscommunication.

The air in the room grew thick with tension as Gracie's mother recounted her attempts to reach her daughter. "I called you. I sent messages. You didn't bother to reply," she said, her voice laced with worry that had now turned to exasperation. Gracie, her heart racing, quickly checked her phone and, to her dismay, saw the string of missed calls. The glowing numbers on the screen showed 10:20 pm, underscoring her lateness.

"I'm sixteen, Mum," Gracie protested, her voice rising as she sought to assert her independence. "I shouldn't be treated like a little kid anymore!"

The conversation took a sharp turn as her mother mentioned the pull-up. "You're the one wearing a pull-up," she pointed out, a factual reminder of their agreement.

Gracie's cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. "You're forcing me to wear them!" she retorted, her voice cracking with the strain of the argument.

Her mother's response was unwavering, a mix of sternness and disappointment. "You agreed to wear them for two weeks, Gracie. You can't just break our deal. And after I warned you to behave, you answer back and give me attitude? I was worried about you, but now I see you're just acting like a brat."

Gracie felt the sting of her mother's words. "You're on thin ice, young lady. Now go to your room," her mother concluded, the finality in her voice signaling the end of the discussion.

Gracie, deeply offended and hurt by the confrontation, let out a whisper tainted with rebellion and anger, "I fucking hate you." It was meant to be unheard, a silent rebellion, but it wasn't silent enough. Her mother's acute hearing didn't miss the whispered curse, and the night air seemed to hold its breath, the tension reaching its peak.

Gracie's mother began to storm towards her daughter, her steps heavy with frustration. Gracie, sensing the impending storm, took a couple of steps back. Before she could retreat any further, her mother's hand shot out, snatching hers firmly. Without a word, her mother started leading Gracie upstairs, the grip on her hand unwavering. Gracie found herself being guided to her mother's bedroom, the air thick with tension and unspoken words hanging heavy between them.

Gracie's mother began to remove her daughters clothes leaving her in the pull up
Gracie feeling exposed she used her arms to cover her pull up and breasts Gracie watched her mother leave the room which she shortly returned with one of her sisters nighttime diapers and ointments her mother then began to speak
"Gracie," her mother began sternly, "due to your behavior, you will be wearing your sister's diapers for the rest of the week." Gracie, shocked by what her mother had said, began to argue back, insisting, "I'm not gonna wear them!"

"Gracie, you'll do as you're told," her mother asserted with a firm tone.

"No, I'm not doing it," Gracie retorted defiantly, her patience wearing thin. "You don't want to test me right now."

"I'm f***ing done," Gracie announced, but her mother, now furious, was not having any of it. She grabbed her daughter, her voice laced with frustration.

"I've given you chance after chance, and yet you keep defying me," she said, the tension between them palpable.

Gracie mother sat on the bed and pulled her daughter over her lap Gracie knew what was coming next and braced her backside her mother swung her hand making contact with her behind Gracie let out a yelp and her mother swung and swung again until eventually Gracie was eyes were bawling in tears she pleaded with her mother to stop but the spanks kept coming her bum was so red and sore now that it was beginning to turn purple

Soon enough the spanks began to slow down and Gracie was lifted up from her mothers lap she was then guided back to the bed where she was laid down her mother then retrieved the thick nighttime diaper and roughly lifted it under her daughters bottom the cushioning helping to relieve her rear end her mother then sprinkled a lot of baby powder and applied  rash cream Gracie laid numb on her mothers bed to embarrassed to do anything her mother shook her head looking down at her daughter Gracie was then lifted by her arms onto her feet and escorted to her room her mother then firmly ordered her to lay on her bed she did so now being obedient her mother didn't say a word as she left the room and shut the door.

Gracie began to bawl again not believing what had had just happened she recounted the days events and thought how she had just ruined everything by giving her mother attitude. She thought if only she had been more apologetic to her mother maybe the punishment wouldn't be too extreme but now she would haft to wait till the morning to truly see what her mother was going to do

As Gracie laid in bed she began to get the urge to pee she knew it she left her room she could end up in a heap of trouble and maybe her mother had put her in the diaper for a reason. For the next hour Gracie began to fight the urge and strained her bladder as much as she could she rocked back and forth and could not stop

Soon enough the tension on Her bladder soon mentally weakened her she had no other choice but to wett her diaper she strained and strained but nothing would come out it was like her body was refusing to give in trying to keep any essence of self respect she still had.

Gracie then began to push on her belly the harder she pushed the more it felt like it was ready to blow. She gave one lash push and then the food gate were open she felt like she was peeing for ever it wouldn't stop the stream kept coming until eventually it began to stop her diaper was now warm and moist she realised she would now haft to cope with wearing it until her mother would change it. Gracie laid curled up in a bawl trying process what she had just done but she didn't know what she had just started...

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