Part 13

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Gracie spent the rest of her evening in her bedroom, lying on her bed and scrolling through TikTok. With the privacy of her room, she didn't mind her diaper being exposed, comfortably lying in the yearner position, the bottom of her diaper peeking out from under her skirt, the white paddedness visible through the thin material of her tights. Her mother entered her room, and Gracie, startled, tried to hide the diaper, but it was already too late.

"Awww, you look adorable, darling," her mother cooed.

Gracie moaned, "What do you want?"

Her mother crossed her arms. "Well, I think it's your bedtime."

"Bedtime?" Gracie echoed, shocked. She looked at her phone. "But it's only seven-thirty PM."

"Yeah, I know that, dear, but I think a couple of early nights will do you some good."

"But Mum, Amy is three years younger than me, and she doesn't have a bedtime!"

"Well, she hasn't been giving me attitude lately," her mother replied. Gracie asked why she was doing this. Sitting next to her, her mother began stroking her leg. "Look, this is part of the punishment you're facing for dancing inappropriately with that boy. I raised you to be respectful and well-mannered. I've become too lenient with you, letting you wear thongs, which I would have never allowed if not for our deal."

Gracie sobbed, "I'm sorry, Mum."

Her mother faced her. "How about this? Tomorrow, if you can prove to me you're good enough, I'll think about letting you wear pull-ups during the day. But until you can prove you'll act your age, it's early bedtimes and diapers for you." This gave Gracie some hope; all she had to do was behave, and she could be back on track to maturity in no time.

"Okay, Mum," Gracie said as she stood up. Her mother completely stripped her, leaving her only in her diaper, then checked to make sure she was dry. She opened Gracie's chest of drawers before pulling out a blue pajama set from the chest of drawers. After helping Gracie dress, the snug-fitting bottoms hugging her diaper, Gracie waddled into the bathroom to brush her teeth. She then returned to her room, climbed into bed, and her mother took her phone away, saying, "You won't need this till morning."

Gracie remained silent, determined to behave. Her mother tucked her in, kissed her goodnight, and as the door closed, Gracie thought to herself, "Just don't slip up tomorrow.

AS Gracie drifts off to sleep her mind begins to imagine she finds herself in the middle of Disneyland, but instead of the usual excitement and fun, she feels a wave of panic. She's not in her favorite outfit; instead, she's only in her diaper, which is clearly visible for all to see. People around her are oblivious to the rides and the characters; their eyes are on her, some with curiosity, others with a hint of judgment.

Desperate to find cover, she runs, her little feet slapping against the warm pavement, past the whirling teacups and the soaring Dumbo ride. But with every turn, she's met with her mother's figure, blocking her path. Her mother's voice is syrupy sweet, tinged with mock concern, "Awww, does my baby need a change?" The words echo, bouncing off the castle walls, growing louder with each repetition.

Gracie's heart pounds in her chest, her face flushed with embarrassment. She looks for an escape, any escape, but it's like the park is closing in on her. Just as she feels she can't take it anymore, she wakes up. The room is dark, the familiar shapes of her own belongings slowly come into focus, and the sounds of Disneyland are replaced by the quiet of her own room. It's over, just a dream, but the relief is palpable.

In the quiet of the early morning, Gracie's internal alarm rings with an urgency that's hard to ignore. She's wide awake now, the remnants of her dream fading as a more pressing matter takes center stage: her bladder is full. She glances at the clock – 2 a.m. – way too early for any sort of decision-making, but here she is, contemplating her next move.

Peeing in her diaper is out of the question; she's worked too hard to earn her mother's trust and the chance to transition back to her preferred underwear. Yet, the thought of removing the diaper and potentially upsetting her mother, risking the delicate deal they've struck, weighs heavily on her. The pressure builds, each second a battle against the mounting need to go.

With a resolve bolstered by necessity, Gracie slips out of bed, the crinkle of her diaper a sharp contrast to the silent house. She tiptoes across the room, every step a calculated effort to minimize the noise. Standing outside her mother's door, she takes a deep breath and knocks gently, once, then again with a bit more force. Silence greets her persistence.

Heart pounding, she reaches for the doorknob, only to find her mother already there, her eyes clouded with sleep. "Oh Amy, did you have an accident already?" her mother mumbles.

"No, it's me, Mum," Gracie responds, a hint of urgency in her voice. "I need a wee, but I didn't want to take the diaper off and risk our deal."

Her mother's eyes clear as she processes Gracie's words. "Oh, that was good thinking from you," she says, a note of appreciation in her voice. Together, they make their way to the bathroom.

Gracie fumbles with the tapes of her diaper, her fingers clumsy with sleep and anxiety. Sensing her struggle, her mother steps in, her hands practiced and gentle as she helps Gracie out of the diaper. "Right, go on," she encourages, as Gracie finally sits on the toilet, closing the door behind her with a soft click, a small victory in the quiet of the night.

When Gracie finished on the toilet, she entered back into the hallway covering her privates, unable to find her pyjama bottoms. She saw her mother standing at her sister's bedroom door. This way, she said Gracie walked into her sister's room where her mother walked over to Amy's changing table. Gracie, still covering herself, jumped up onto the table and laid out flat. Her mother turned on a lamp and sat next to it, awakening Amy. "Mum, what's going on?" Amy said. "Oh, I'm only changing your sister's diaper, darling. You go on back to sleep." Amy looked at her sister laying flat on the table. Gracie couldn't bear to look. Her mother opened up a drawer underneath the table, pulling out a diaper. Gracie lifted her legs up and let her mother slide it under her. As Gracie put her legs down, she couldn't help but notice that there was more padding to this diaper. Her mother swiftly applied baby powder and rash cream before taping it on. Instead of having four tapes, this diaper had six. Her mother guided Gracie off the table.

Gracie's feet made contact with her sisters carpeted room she couldn't help but notice how thick the diaper it was like it had double the padding than the one she was just wearing "Mum why is this one so big" she asked "oh this is one of your sister nighttime one I thought it be best you wear is Incase you need to potty again" what Gracie whispered "I'm not using it" she said her mother then replied "you won't need to If you don't need the toilet I'm not having you wake me up again" Gracie sighed in defeat her mother tried pulling her pyjama bottoms up her daughter padded backside but was unable to the bottoms wouldn't stretch around the thick padding Gracie's mum removed the bottoms and told her daughter you'll just haft to sleep in the diaper tonight Gracie huffed in annoyance and began to waddle back to bed room where she was swiftly tucked in by her mother again goodnight she said Gracie replied "goodnight mum" as the door was closed Gracie tossed and turned the undeniably thickness of the diaper making her feel uncomfortable eventually she drifted off and fell asleep.

Gracie's Diaper Deal Where stories live. Discover now