Part 17

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Gracie woke up and stood up from her bed. She looked down at her diaper, its outline obvious beneath her pajamas, and hoped that today her mother would finally agree to let her leave them behind.

Gracie made her way downstairs and took a seat at the table, an air of eagerness about her as she awaited her mother's remark on the diaper. As her mother cheerfully greeted her daughters with a "Good morning," Amy descended the stairs, free from her nighttime attire, which only intensified Gracie's anticipation. Why was she still in hers? The question hung in the air, unspoken. Breakfast unfolded with the usual routine, the mother serving cereal to her daughters and joining them. Gracie couldn't help but notice the shift from a sippy cup to a regular one, a small nod to maturity that didn't go unappreciated. With her breakfast finished, Gracie remained silent about her own state, wondering what the day would hold.

After breakfast, Gracie's mum asked her to take care of the dishes. Gracie got to work, stacking bowls and spoons with a clink and a clatter. As she scrubbed and rinsed, she felt a growing pressure in her bladder, a clear sign that she needed to use the toilet soon.

Gathering her courage, Gracie approached her mother, her voice tinged with a hopeful note. "Mum, do you think I could go back to wearing panties now?" she asked, her eyes searching her mother's for a sign of approval.

Her mother paused, considering Gracie's request, and replied, "Do you feel ready for that, sweetheart?"

Gracie nodded earnestly. "I think panties is a bit too far of a request, but i think we could give pull ups a shot due to your behaviour improving"

Gracie was dissatisfied with this response but was grateful to be out of the diapers.

Gracie and her mother made their way upstairs, where her mother gently removed the diaper. The absence of its bulk felt strange to Gracie, yet it wasn't a sensation she longed for. Her mother then suggested a shower, which Gracie agreed to. As the warm water cascaded over her, she thought about what the day might hold for her.

After a refreshing shower, she dried her hair and walked into her bedroom. There on the bed was a neatly laid out outfit: a white top, jean shorts, and a pink pull-up. The pull-up felt less bulky than the diapers she'd been wearing, and once she had her clothes on, there was no noticeable outline. The shorts were snug, keeping the pull-up discreet.

Descending the stairs, Gracie lounged on the couch. Her mother soon approached, extending her phone, "You left this on the table. You've got messages from someone called Tom."

Gracie's eyes widened in surprise as she took the phone from her mother, her fingers quickly navigating to Snapchat to see what Tom had said

Tom's message popped up with a tone of concern, "Hey, just heard about the break-in. Are you okay? Was your house badly hit?"

Gracie felt a swell of gratitude for Tom's concern and quickly replied, "Hey Tom, yeah it was a bit of a shock, but I'm okay. They made a mess, but thankfully nothing super valuable was taken. Thanks for asking 🙏."

Tom responded promptly, "That's a relief to hear. If you need anything or just want to talk about it, I'm here for you."

"Thanks, Tom. It means a lot. I might take you up on that offer later. For now, just trying to clean up and move past it," Gracie typed back, feeling a little better just having someone to talk to about it.

"Yeah I'm always here to talk to but how was your trip"?

Gracie's fingers flew over the screen as she replied to Tom's messages.

"Hey, the trip was wild, had some crazy moments for sure," she typed, a hint of a smile on her lips from the memories.

"That's cool! How are you feeling now though?" Tom's message popped up almost immediately.

"I'm good, actually. It's nice to be back in my own space," Gracie responded, feeling a sense of normalcy returning.

"Awesome, hey, do you want to meet up and go to the fair today? It's in town and should be fun," Tom suggested, his message accompanied by a carousel emoji.

Gracie hesitated for a moment, the fair sounded like a blast, and it would be a great way to enjoy the day. "Yeah, that sounds amazing! What time?"

And just like that, they made plans to meet up, the prospect of a day at the fair with Tom bringing a genuine excitement that bubbled within her.

The conversation between Gracie and Tom continued to flow effortlessly.

"Let's meet at 2 pm? I can grab us some cotton candy as soon as I get there! 🎡" Tom's enthusiasm was evident even through text.

Gracie chuckled, imagining the sticky sweetness of the cotton candy. "2 pm sounds perfect. I'll see you at the entrance?"

"Deal! Can't wait to try out all the rides with you. It's gonna be epic!" Tom seemed as excited as she felt.

"Me neither! I'm ready for some fun after being cooped up. See you soon, Tom!" Gracie sent the message with a smile, her heart light with anticipation for the day ahead.

With plans set, she put her phone down, her mind already racing with the vibrant images of fair rides, the sounds of laughter, and the thrill of spending the day with Tom.

Gracie sat at her desk, her brow furrowed as she counted the crumpled notes and coins scattered before her. She tallied up the total, a small smile forming as she realized she had just enough for the fair.

With a deep breath, she approached her mother in the kitchen. "Mom, there's a fair in town today, and I was wondering if I could go with Tom," she said, a hopeful lilt in her voice.

Her mother paused, wiping her hands on a dish towel. "Tom? I don't think I've met him. The last time you were out with friends, things got a bit... silly, didn't they?"

Gracie's cheeks warmed at the memory. "I know, I know, but that was just us being us. Tom's really great, and it's just the fair," she pleaded, trying to convey her earnestness.

Her mother considered for a moment, then relented with a condition. "Alright, Gracie, you can go. But I want Tom to come over for dinner one day. I'd like to meet him."

Gracie's face lit up. "Yes, of course! Thank you, Mom!" she exclaimed, then quickly added, "But just so you know, we aren't dating or anything."

Her mother nodded, a knowing smile on her face. "Even so, I'd still like to meet him."

With her mother's approval secured, Gracie's heart raced with excitement for the day ahead. She sent a quick text to Tom to confirm their plans, the fair now promising to be an even brighter spot in her day.

Gracie stood in front of her mirror, applying a touch of light makeup to accentuate her features, giving her a glow of subtle confidence. She pulled on a cozy jumper, complementing her outfit perfectly for the fair's breezy evening.

As she made her way downstairs, her bag slung over her shoulder, ready to head out, her mother approached. With a swift, motherly motion, she tugged at the back of Gracie's shorts, checking discreetly.

Gracie turned with a gentle roll of her eyes but a soft smile. "Mom, I wouldn't take it off," she reassured, her tone a blend of understanding and slight exasperation.

Her mother gave a nod, her expression softening. "Good," she replied, the single word carrying a mix of trust and care.

With her mother's concerns assuaged, Gracie stepped out of the house, feeling the freedom of the day ahead of her. She walked towards the bus stop.

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