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Flashback to 3 days ago ...

"Ky'air where the fuck you at my nigga ?" I asked becoming mad since he hadn't been home in two days after I haven't let him get no pussy.

I could hear a bitch in the background giving him top while asking who I was otp.

"So we back on that bullshit Ky'air alright bet it up pussy ?" I told him right before I hung up.

I texted him a long ass breakup message and I blocked him on every social media there was.


I was interrupted from my thoughts by a phone call that I was getting. So I picked it up to see who it was and answered it.

"Hello ?" I said kind of happy since he finally called me for the first time.

"I see you happy that I finally called you huh ?" Enzo asked while smoking his blunt as he looked down at his phone.

"Yeah right lorenzo." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"What you doin right now lil mama ?" he asked in his raspy voice.

"Feeding my dog lorenzo." I said as I put my little yorkie , kehlani food in her tray.

"Where yo nigga at ?" he said trying to make a joke about it.

"Where yo bitch at ?" I clapped back and said. the expression he was giving was like stop talking to me

"That ain't my shit stop playing with me z'moura." He said getting mad.

I guess his attitude wore off because he asked me did I want sum to eat.

"Yeah I'll get something, where you going." I asked him as I turned on Netflix.

"Wherever you want me to go." he said.

"I want something from chic fil a , I'm gonna text you what I want." I said.

"Ight." he looked down to end the call.


A knock came to my apartment door causing me to get up and hear bags shuffling so I opened it to see enzo with my food and some roses.

"Thank you enzo." I said smiling as I got on my tippy toes to give him a hug only to smell the weed and cologne combination.

"You welcome mama." he said as he hugged around my waist pushing my body in to close the door.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐅 Where stories live. Discover now