Chapter Ten: Coronation (P2)

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BEN HOLDS Payton's hand as they travel up the stairs to meet with the royal couple at the top. Payton unintentionally holds her breath. She hasn't talked to neither Belle nor Adam since Family Day and she's not sure how this meeting will go.

The younger couple finally makes it to the top of the stairs to be met with a smiling beauty and beast. Both Ben and Payton look pleasantly surprised at their greeting. Payton curtsies to the couple.

"About the other day.."

Adam cut the girl off with a shake of his head, "I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy."

"You also taught me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy."

Ben's confident words shock the current king, "I did?"

Belle slaps her husband in the side lightly and Adam corrects himself, "I,uh, how very wise of me."

Belle smiles and steps up, taking a hold of her son's hands, "Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart."

Listening to your heart..huh.. these words seem to tear at Payton's heart while seeming to make Ben's glow. She knows if she were to truly listen to her heart she would have ran back to the isle a long time ago. That's where her heart truly is.

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're going to make a fine king."

Ben smiles at her parents and Payton has to force a smile on her face. She wishes she knew what it felt like to be showered in praise by both her parents, but the closest thing she'll ever get is a nod of approval from her father.

Belle and Adam walk off to their seats while Payton is walked by an usher to her own. On her way there, she passes by the eyes of the core four and she gives them a subtle nod, one they all return. Payton stands in the spot she was instructed to and nervously waits for the ceremony to start.


ABOUT THIRTY MINUTES after Payton was taken to her seat, the ceremony officially starts and the grand doors finally open, showing Ben waiting on the other side. He puts his arms at his side in a knightly manor as he slowly makes his way down the aisle. As he passes, everyone bows for the prince, but he keeps his eyes forward. Until he passes Payton, who can't help but smile as her boyfriend winks at her.


PAN AND FELIX watch with shaking hands as their girl is only moments away from their salvation.

"Come on, Darling."


BEN FINALLY makes it to the front of the room where the wand and his parents sat. Fairy Godmother bows to both of the royal couple and gently grabs the crown from Adam's head before making his way over to Ben. Payton watches from the side with conflicted eyes.

FG bestows the crown upon Ben's head and the soon-to-be king can't contain the smile on his face. The dais is lifted up off of the wand and Payton can basically feel the core fours' eyes on her back. Part of her wants to stick her hand out and teleport the wand into her hand, the other half wants to look away and never look at the wand again.

The blue and gold wand is handed to the Fairy Godmother by Belle and she takes it into both of her hands and steps in front of Ben to start reciting the speech she has practiced for weeks on end.

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon it's justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

It's now or never, darling

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