Chapter 7 - Recovery

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            Nightmare felt like he was going to throw up, after Ink had told his story to him he felt disgusted by what they had done. he was sitting on a chair beside Ink's bed in the guest room, his hands were covering his face to try and hide the sadness on it. 'What have they done?' He asked himself with a sinking feeling in his stomach, 'Why would they resort to this? I thought I was the bad guy!' Nightmare was shaken to his core, and was now scared himself. what would happen if they attacked his mansion? He had no way to defend himself from anything now that all of his tentacles were gone.

              "N-Ni-Night-m-mare?" Ink asked with watery eyes, "C-ca-can I-I st-stay he-here?" Nightmare didn't hesitate with his answer.

            "Yes Ink, of course you can stay here. You can stay here for as long as you'd like." Nightmare was sure Ink wasn't going to try anything, not after what he just told him. 'It's been a while since I've had anyone around,' He thought to himself, 'I think it'll be nice to have him here.' Nightmare had been by himself for far too long, with his former family leaving him. He stood up out of the chair and looked towards Ink.

           "Okay Ink, I'm going to go get you some painkillers and then we can go replace your bandages." Nightmare was not looking forward to seeing all of the wounds and scars that Ink had received from his time in the cell. "I'll make a portal so you can watch me, okay? No need to give me that look." Ink had a depressed look until Nightmare added on the last part.

          "S-S-Sure" Ink replied, scared.

          "I promise I'll be as quick as possible." Nightmare opened a portal to his bathroom and stepped through, bending down to reach the cabinet underneath the sink. He opened the cabinet doors 'Where is it? Where is it? . . There it is!' He grabbed the first aid kit and walked back through the portal where Ink was still watching him. "I'm not just going to leave you know, I'll take care of you. That's my first priority." He said with a cute smile on his face trying to reassure Ink. Ink only nodded in response, although a faint blush appeared on his face that had Nightmare missed. "Alright, open your mouth so you can take the pill" Nightmare hoped that Ink would do so.

       "I-I-It w-won-n't h-hu-hurt right-t?' Ink slowly asked, hesitant to take any sort of pill or drug at all.

       "No, it won't, it will actually hurt more if you don't take it" Nightmare once again reassured Ink that he wouldn't hurt him. "Here, how about this?" he put the pill into his mouth and swallowed, "See? it won't hurt you." He hoped this would convince Ink.

       "D-D-did y-you s-swi-switch- i-it ou-t?" Ink asked cautious of anything that Nightmare might do to hurt him. Nightmare on the other hand felt even worse for Ink, he felt like leaving the room and crying but if he did that Ink would be all alone. He knew that couldn't leave Ink so he had to keep going.

      "No Ink, I didn't switch it out, please just take the pill. If you don't it'll hurt a lot more and I don't want you to be in any more pain!" Nightmare shouted just wanting to get this over with. Ink flinched in response scared that Nightmare would get mad at him.

        "O-O-Ok-ka-kay." Ink mumbled, he lifted his head, closed his eyes, and opened his mouth. Nightmare lowered the pill onto Ink's tongue grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand and lowered it to Ink's lips. Ink, once again scared that Nightmare would get angry, drank the water.

         "See?" Nightmare said gently, he raised his hand to brush the top of Ink's skull. "It didn't hurt at all." Ink noticed Nightmare's hand and leaned away from it, Nightmare pulled back. 

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