Kylie comforts Swift and scratchs the top of both of his wings final part

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(Swift) (Sobbing in pain) (Kylie) Here Swift. I'm scratching the top of your left wing. Does it feel good? (Swift) (Sobbing) It feels great! Keep scratching! Don't stop please! (5 hrs later) (Swift) (Sobbing) Scratch the top of my right wing please. It hurts more than my left wing! (Kylie) OK. Hold still. (Scratches the top of Swift's right wing really hard) (Swift) (Crying) Uhhh! Keep scratching Kylie! It feels so good! (5 hrs later) (Swift) (Calms down) I have something to tell you Kylie. (Kylie) What is it Swift? (Swift) Well when you rescued me from the snowstorm, I had a friendship crush on you. I have friendship feelings for you. So I like you. You're sweet, kind, funny, and also caring for me. So I want to ask you this. Do want to be friends with me? (Kylie) Of course Swift! I'd love to be friends with you! I love you Swift! (Hugs her new blue jay friend with happy tears in her eyes) (Swift) (Crying with happiness and hugs Kylie back) I love you too Kylie! Thanks so much for comforting me! I need someone to comfort me and you did! The end Stay tuned for more stories in the future!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Mar 10 ⏰

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A story about SwiftNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ