Penny Brody and Rod friendship breakup with Swift beats him up and Speedy helps

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Penny: You're such a bad friend Swift! Brody: I agree! Rod: Same here! Swift: (Crying) I'm sorry if I did anything wrong to you guys. Please give me a 2nd chance! Penny: NO! We will not give you another chance! Either you shut up or we'll beat you up! Swift: (Sobbing) Guys please! I'm sorry! Penny: That's it! You asked for it! (Beats up Swift super hard until he can't move and starts bleeding a lot) Swift: (Bawling) OW! Brody: (Beats up Swift super hard until he can't move and starts bleeding a lot) Rod: (Beats up Swift super hard until he can't move and starts bleeding a lot) (Speedy) Brody! Rod! Penny! Leave him alone! He never did anything to you! Now thanks to you he can't move and he's bleeding a lot! Penny Brody and Rod: UGH! Fine. Speedy: Are you OK Swift? (Swift) (Bawling super hard in pain) No. I'm in a lot of pain, I'm bleeding a lot, and I don't have any friends to talk to! Speedy: Well I have a surprise for you. Swift: (Bawling super hard in pain) R-Really? Speedy: Yes. Here let me help you up. (Picks Swift up gently and flies him to his bed) Swift: (Bawling super hard in pain) OH forget it! Everyone hates me! him pt 1 TBC Pt 2 will be coming out tomorrow.

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