62- Your Part Here is Over, My Love

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Sorry, I've been on a crazy edit-Blue-Moon rush. I was adding several chapters in from when Thea first goes to Niriket (Asgard). I've basically done nothing but write, attempt to do homework, and listen to the 6-hour audiobook of The Red Necklace whilst writing (I encourage you to check it out. Not only is it Tom Hiddleston and therefore wonderful to listen to and is a great story, but it also encourages the writing juices).

I hope you like this chapter. It's quite emotional, but everyone's together at least!!!!

Well I mean for Myrinea, Archer, Linthria, and Lify, cause they're dead.

I'm such a terrible person. 

*Also, sorry for the cursing at one part.* *It won't happen again.*

Chapter Sixty-Two

The first thing that happens we they get back to Stark Tower is medical attention. Bruce delegates healers and the injuries.

"I'll take Loki, Peter and Jack. Ky, can you handle Thea, Max, and Clint? I think that's everyone."

"Sure thing," says Kyle. He walks over to where Loki is still holding onto my arm, "C'mon, missy." He might be looking at me with fondness and relief, but he's positively glaring at Loki.

I hesitate, not wanting to leave Loki. I've just gotten my father back, and now I don't want to leave him.

"Go on," says Loki, caressing my cheek, "You'll be fine, and so will I," He turns to Kyle, "Be careful with her."

Kyle's piercing eyes narrow as if Loki has just insulted his entire soul. "I always am." He hoists me up into his strong arms and walks away from Loki. He smells like sharp cologne, and I close my eyes, remembering winter nights watching a movie with him on the couch after he had made popcorn.

I'm distracted by the twinging pain in my ankle as Kyle lies me down on one of the medical tables in the infirmary wing of the Tower's third floor. I feel weird lying here after so many months of no professional medical care.

"God Almighty, Thea," says Kyle as he looks me over with a trained eye, "I don't want to hurt your feelings and say you look like you got run over, but you do, doll."

"Thanks," I mutter. I'm gritting my teeth to try and stop the pain.

Max and Clint, who are injured but still able to walk, come inside at about the same time Kyle is finished X-raying my ankle. Max looks a little unsteady even though his collarbone wound has stopped bleeding, but at least Clint looks spritely enough, with only a massive gash on his arm.

"I'm sorry," It comes out as a groan as Kyle gently presses the bones around my ankle and then resting it up on a block, "I...I shouldn't have asked you to come, it was useless."

"It wasn't useless," says Kyle, very firmly. "Can you sit up a minute, I need to look at your chest."

"No thanks, Ky, I'm not a prostitute."

He rolls his eyes very dramatically. "Thea, please, I'm being serious, you got stabbed by a sword."

"And I'm fine now," I say as I reluctantly take off my shirt, leaving me in only my (flat) plain bra. Looking down, I can clearly see the ridged edges right over my left breast where the sword had protruded, and then the necklace's magic had healed. The area around it is slightly bruised, and obviously very bloody, but other than that, it's miraculously normal.

But my stomach still has the rotating scars from Neidra's whip. They may have healed, but they're still nasty. It looks like I came off the losing end in a fight with a giant squid.

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|Where stories live. Discover now