34- Pure Fire

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Have to dash!

~Nobody's POV~

"What should we do now?" Angelique asks as they walk out from the exit of Big Thunder Mountain. Thea looks thrilled, her eyes lit up from the exhilaration of the roller coaster. Videl looks rather bored, but even he doesn't look quite so cranky anymore.

"I don't know what there is to do," replies Thea honestly.

"Well lucky us, I got a map earlier," says Angelique cheerfully, pulling out a colorful Magic Kingdom map from her purse. She unfolds it, and Videl and Thea crowd on either side of her, trying to look.

"We're here," says Angelique, pointing to the left-side of the park, at the area labeled "Frontierland". "Is there anything over here we should do?"

"I suggest we go back to the room," says Videl, leaning away from them and crossing his arms moodily.

"You don't mean that," says Thea.

"Yes I do," retorts Videl, who doesn't.

"Okay," says Thea, "Well, you're not helping any."

"Haunted Mansion," says Videl, who hasn't even looked at the map for more than ten seconds. "See if you're on your high horse then, idiot."

"What?" squawks Angelique.

"You heard me," says Videl.

"Ah, I'm not sure that's a good idea," says Angelique, glancing at Thea, who has fallen silent. "Thea, we can do something else, since-"

Thea glances up at Videl. He regards her with a dare in his amber, glittering eyes, and one side of his mouth twitches. "It's okay," she says, in a convincing voice, giving Videl an impish look, "This'll be fun! And Videl will get scared twice as much as me, so I'm all for it."

"Videl," says Angelique firmly, "Can I have a word with you?"

Videl raises an eyebrow and then meanders over to Angelique. He pulls him by the elbow to a spot several feet from Thea, near where a flock of seagulls is squawking over a dropped turkey leg. Angelique notices that Videl positions himself so that, although still moody, he can still see Thea, who looks half-confused, half-annoyed, her thin arms crossed just like Videl's.

"What are you thinking?" demands Angelique, "Thea has been having bad dreams as it is, barely sleeping, apparently, and now you want to take her into a haunted house?"

"In my great defense," says Videl, "I didn't think she would actually say yes."

"Well, she's Thea, of course she did, and-"

"This is a children's park. It's not going to terrify her out of her mind," says Videl.

"We don't know that! For goodness sake, she's already seen someone die in front of her! Multiple people! Do you even know what a haunted house is?"

"Of course I do," replies Videl, "I'm not stupid."

"Well you don't act like it," retorts Angelique. "Now you better make it clear to Thea that she doesn't need to go on this ride right this instant."

"So controlling," smirks Videl, "I like it."

She smacks his arm, and then pushes him over to where Thea is waiting for them, running her sneaker over the ground absentmindedly.

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|Where stories live. Discover now