♡March 1, 2024♡

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Newspaper meeting today, but there wasn't anything for today. So, here's a lesson on love drama and, specifically, how to deal with feelings of jealousy in relationships.

Now, dealing with jealousy can depend on the relationship dynamic at hand. However, communication is always key. Especially early on.

Jealousy and resentment can spiral lots if they aren't addressed early. While it's smaller, it can be managed more easily and effectively regardless of whether it's uncomfortablity with a relationship of your partner's or something else.

Now, the issue of the girl best friend is something I want to get into, mainly because I'm a girl with a handful of guy friends and best friends who doesn't even like guys. Basically, I have some perspective on this issue. Lately, I've been seeing lots of (straight) girls complaining about how a guy with a girl best friend is a red flag. I see where they're coming from, but I'd have to disagree. Don't get me wrong, it can be a red flag in certain situations, but I wouldn't say generally.

Sometimes, girlfriends will think this out of insecurity. Again, I think this should be communicated with the boyfriend, but I don't think it's okay to force a guy to drop his girl best friend out of plain insecurity. If the specific dynamic between them is suspicious or bothersome, please communicate that. If you're treated with angry dismissal, leave.

However, I feel like the harm of girl best friends is greatly exaggerated. The idea that men and women can't be genuine friends is outdated and reinforces toxic gender stereotypes. Also, are the queer gbfs considered just as much a "threat" as straight gbfs? Lesbian and aromantic girls aren't even going to develop feelings for any guy to begin with, so what's the problem?

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