A Recovery and A Savior

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Once Parrish had driven her to the hospital, the doctors and nurses took Vienna's body and worked on her for hours. Eventually, they figured out what the poison was that was inserted into her bloodstream and they were able to flood her blood with a certain anti-toxin in order to heal her.

The wait for news on Vienna's condition was incredibly painful. Even the Sheriff had finally been discharged in the time that she was still not awake yet, but he didn't leave the hospital. Not after Stiles found him, informing him of what happened. Although, it took a while to get him to calm down so Stiles could explain properly.

Hours later did the doctors finally come into the waiting area and tell them of their update on the young girl's condition. It was only pure luck that only half of the poison was used. Even one more millilitre could've caused far worse effects to her body. Ones that no one wanted to think of. Because of the minimal amount in her bloodstream, they were told that she would have a quick recovery, with lots of rest, once she wakes up. The group let out a simultaneous sigh of relief, hugs being passed between the group, the warmest one being held between the other two Stilinski's.

She was okay. Vienna Stilinski was okay.

Despite the doctors wishes for only one at a time, they all funnelled into her room. When she awoke, Vienna groaned at the bright lights above her, the brightness feeling as if it was burning her corneas. She squeezed her eyes back shut before relaxing once more, snuggling back into the pillow, as if everything flooding back into her head was just a mere nightmare.

Unfortunately for her, it wasn't.

"Vi?" she heard a hoarse voice call. When she fluttered her eyes open again, she found her father stood over her. As they met eyes, Noah's red eyes softened even more, stroking a soft hand across her cheek, "Vi, baby, hey"

"Hey" she trailed off as she looked around the room properly to find Stiles, Lydia and Parrish's forms stood around her. She frowned, "shit, who died?"

Unexpectedly, everyone began laughing at her poor use of words.

"Wow Vi, coming out of your slumber doesn't mean you lose your sarcasm, right?" Stiles chuckled.

Vienna shrugged softly – she was never going to lose her sarcasm.

"Who do you think I am? Boring?" she questioned jokingly and room erupted into soft laughter once more. She then sighed, reluctantly asking the question that's been irking at her, "it wasn't a nightmare, was it?"

"No" Parrish sighed, "no, it wasn't"

"Meredith? Where is she?"

Her dad rubbed the back of her hand soothingly, "she's locked up at the station, waiting for questioning"

Vienna frowned, glancing at Stiles and Lydia in question, "wait still? I've been told it's been like two days and you haven't questioned her yet? More people could be dying guys! What's the hold up?"

"They were waiting for me" Noah revealed. He tightened his hold of her hand as Vienna took a visible deep inhale, "we know she's a master manipulator and as Sheriff, I need to be there. We need to be at our best when we face her. We can't have her slipping away when we need her to end it"

Nodding along to his explanation, she sighed before sitting up, ignoring the yells telling her to slow down or to stop.

"And how are you feeling dad? You've been discharged? I'm sorry I wasn't there for you more"

"Well, you have a good enough excuse" Noah grunted and Vienna smiled warmly at him. She was glad he wasn't mad at her. But she was slightly nervous to get home – that's when the lecture would be... loud.

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