A Hunt Through The Woods

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T/W - Description of a panic attack

After school ended, Vienna raced home to gather her daggers and made her way towards the forest.

Logically thinking, Vienna knew that Garrett had attacked Liam in the Preserve. As werewolves had enhanced healing, surely Garrett would know that Liam would wake up faster than any other knocked out human. So, he must've had to take him somewhere quickly. Realistically, Liam should still be in the Preserve somewhere.

But where? The Preserve was a pretty big area. Liam must've been put somewhere that would be difficult for him to make his escape.

She felt pretty impressed with herself at her deduction skills, deeming that as a good starting point for her. Vienna just hoped her reasoning was correct and he wasn't on the other side of the county by now.

Walking through the Preserve, she held one of her daggers up her sleeve, wanting to be ready for a fight at any moment, just in case – all whilst feeling the weight of the other daggers hidden in other areas of her body.

Vienna soon found herself at the clearing that Liam was more than likely attacked at. She looked around madly for any sign of the boy or a mark he could've left behind but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

As the minutes dwindled by, she continued to berate her lack of supernatural abilities for the millionth time as she scanned the area, thinking over and over again: 'if only she could track his scent'.

She felt herself begin to give up, not being able to find any clues to Liam's kidnapping or current location. Whilst the thoughts continued to bounce around her head, Vienna couldn't help but to wish Allison was here with her to help her. She would've probably have found something straight away with her skills as a hunter and Vienna was always so enamoured by her ways. She knew Allison had more to teach her and she just wished she was here to guide her.

"Why can't you be here, Ally?" she sighed sadly. "How did you ever do this?"

But then she really thought about it. How would Allison do this? She shouldn't be thinking of how a werewolf would hunt someone down. How could she be so blind? Instead, she knew the question she should really have been asking herself.

How would a hunter track someone down?

Vienna looked down at the blood stain on the concrete once again and realised that the splatter pattern had moved across the floor. As she followed the direction in which the stains fell, her eyes found faint tire marks disturbing the leaf-covered floor. Smirking at her discovery, Vienna began trapsing in that direction.

Maybe she was better at being a hunter than she gave herself credit for.

As she continued tracking the prints, she found that they had abruptly stopped, as if the car had vanished into thin air. Sighing in annoyance, she continued through the Preserve, holding her dagger even tighter.

"Liam?" she called but gained no response. She attempted a few more times but still received no answer. Part of her wanted to give up but she knew she couldn't. She had to keep going despite the lack of signs that he was anywhere near to where she was standing.

Interrupting her thoughts, there was a crunching of leaves from behind her. Vienna hated that her first thought should've been that there was a little cute animal behind her but instead, it was going to be the opposite. Gripping onto the dagger tightly in her hand, she spun around with her arm raised, the dagger glistening threateningly in the rays of the sun between the trees.

She was half expecting it to be Garrett, wanting to cause more mayhem. Or maybe to finish what Violet started. There was even the smallest ounce of hope that it was Liam – having heard her calling his name. But she knew that was a reach.

Panic Over ~ Brett TalbotWhere stories live. Discover now