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Henry was about to get a cruise with Charlotte and Jasper. He stopped off at a junction to get some snacks for them and himself. Henry grabbed a bunch of chips and soda, then headed to the register with a small grin on his face. He was really excited for this cruise. He came back, bags filled with snacks. They got on the cruise. Jasper jumped and screamed with joy as they saw the front room of the cruise. They all went to their rooms and unpacked, they then got changed and went down for lunch. Henry walked down to the lunch room, his stomach growling with hunger. He saw Jasper and Charlotte already sitting at a table, digging into their food. They finished lunch and decided to walk to the pool to have a look around, they first went up to the top deck, seeing the barnacles and plankton covering the boat. The pool was massive, and absolutely stunning.

While Henry was walking around, he slipped on the deck, smacking his head and knocking himself out. Henry woke up with a groan, his head throbbing from where he hit it. He sat up slowly and rubbed his forehead.

"Ugh... what happened?" He looked around and saw Jasper and Charlotte staring at him with concerned looks on their faces. There were crewmates around him.
"Sir, we're going to have to take you to the on site first aid room." Henry nodded weakly, letting them help him stand up. As he was led away, he glanced back at Jasper and Charlotte, giving them a reassuring smile.
"I'm okay... just a little dizzy."

They sat him in a wheelchair, and he was wheeled into a nurses room. Jasper and Charlotte waited outside for him. Henry groaned, his head throbbing in a steady rhythm. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting against the bright light above him. His vision cleared, revealing a sterile medical room with white walls and shiny metal equipment.

"Hey, how's your head feeling?" The nurse said, helping him up and onto the table. Henry winced as he sat up, his head still throbbing.
"It hurts... but I think I'll live." He glanced over at the nurse, trying to focus on her face despite the dizziness. "What happened? Did I faint or something?"
"You slipped on the pool deck. Just bad luck, especially for the first day of the cruise." She said.

"My names Lily." Henry nodded, a faint smile crossing his face.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Henry." He shifted on the table, trying to get comfortable despite the sharp pain in his head.
"Can you tell me what time it is?" She checked her watch.
"It's three pm.. why?" Henry groaned softly as the pain in his head intensified, and he rubbed his temples.
"Just wondered.."

"Okay, well if you don't mind taking your shirt off, I need to check for a concussion." Henry hesitated for a moment, then slowly lifted his shirt over his head. He winced as he moved, the motion making his head throb even more.
"Go ahead." She put on her stethoscope and placed it on his back.

"Are you old enough to be a doctor?" "I'm in training. It's a blurry area." Henry managed a small chuckle before wincing as the nurse gently tapped on his back.

"Deep breath in." She said, listening to his breathing. Henry took a deep breath, trying not to wince as he felt the cool stethoscope against his skin. She moved to his front, placing the chilled stethoscope on his chest, now listening to his heartbeat.
"Sorry, its a little cold." Henry shivered slightly, his body tensing at the cold touch of the stethoscope.
"It's okay." He took a deep breath, trying to ignore the chill and focus on her movements.

"Well, good news is your heart and breathing seem normal."
"Great." Henry let out a sigh of relief, his body still tense with the pain.
"So what happens now?"
"Well, I'm gonna give you some painkillers, and I strongly strongly suggest you go and have a nap. I'll need you to come back tomorrow for another check up and some more painkillers." "Okay, I'll do that." He took the painkillers she offered, his fingers trembling slightly from the pain. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." Henry nodded, his eyes closing as he took the painkillers. He couldn't help but think about how strange it was to be in this situation.

The next day, 3pm, he went back to her. Henry groaned softly as he walked back to the nurse's office, his head still throbbing slightly from yesterday's fall. He knocked on the door before slowly opening it, not wanting to surprise anyone this time.
"Hey, you." Henry smiled weakly at her, taking a seat on the exam table.
"Hey. How's it going?"
"Not too shabby. How's your head?" He winced slightly, rubbing the back of his head.
"Still a bit sore, but better than yesterday."
"Sounds about right." Henry watched as she checked his vitals, his eyes never leaving her hands. He couldn't help but think how beautiful they looked, even when they were busy doing their job.

"You know, you really have a nice touch."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She chuckled. Henry's face flushed red as he realized what he said. He had been so lost in her beauty that he had accidentally complimented her.
"I-I mean, you're really good at your job."
"Thank you, I try." She said, putting the cold stethoscope on his chest again. Henry couldn't help but feel the warmth radiating from her as she listened to his heartbeat. It was strange, but it also felt comforting in a way.

"You know, I've been thinking... I think I need to see you more often."
"Is your head hurting you more?"
"No, well, not just that. I mean, I think... I like seeing you." He couldn't believe he was admitting this to a nurse, let alone someone he barely knew. She raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, really."

"Well, I'm not supposed to be seeing any of my patients outside the office.." Henry's heart sank at her words.
"I understand. I just thought... I don't know."

"But.. I don't often do things the way I'm supposed too." Henry couldn't believe his luck. She was actually considering it! He tried to contain his excitement, not wanting to seem too eager.
"Yeah.. I was the world's worst student at secondary school, especially in maths. But I do do everything I'm supposed to in the medical office, I swear." She chuckled. Henry couldn't help but laugh along with her, relieved and excited. This was more than he could have hoped for. He couldn't wait to see her again, not just for medical reasons.

"Well, in that case, I'd love to see you. "Well, here are your painkillers. And I'll see you tomorrow. We'll talk more then." She smiled. Henry took the painkillers gratefully, trying not to let his emotions show too much on his face. He nodded in agreement, hoping against hope that this was the beginning of something special.
"Thank you."

The next day. Henry arrived at the nurse's office exactly on time, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had barely slept last night, thinking about her and what they might talk about.
"There's my favourite patient." He couldn't help but smile when he saw her. She looked even more beautiful today than she had yesterday, and he couldn't wait to see what would happen next.

"Hello." She did her routine check ups, taking more time on checking his heartrate, clearly attempting to keep him shirtless for as long as possible. Henry couldn't help but notice the extra attention she was giving to his chest, and he found himself blushing even more than he had yesterday. He had never experienced anything like this before, and it both scared and excited him at the same time.

"Your heart rates a little fast."
"I think I'm just nervous...or excited. Maybe both." She chuckled.
"So, about that date.." Henry's heart leapt in his chest at her words. He had been hoping she would bring it up, but he hadn't dared to imagine she actually would. He nodded eagerly.

"Yeah, about that..." He swallowed hard, his nerves getting the better of him for a moment.
"I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight?" he asked hesitantly, hoping against hope that she would say yes.
"For dinner?" Henry couldn't believe his ears. She actually wanted to go out with him? This was more than he could have ever hoped for.
"Yes, definitely for dinner."

"I'd love too." Henry grinned from ear to ear, feeling like his heart might burst with joy. He wanted to celebrate this moment in grand style, but he knew he had to be careful not to scare her off. "Great." She handed him the painkillers.

"I'll see you at six?" Henry took the painkillers gratefully, still unable to believe his luck.
"Six it is."

woooo !!! 1502 words. I have mocks from 13th-22nd of march so I probs won't upload until after that now, thank u guys for support !!
pls send requests if u think of any 🙏🙏

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