slip up

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Lily had had back pain for a while, she was in the bath, trying to relax. Henry was at home, watching Makew a Meal. She got out of the bath, slipping before she could wrap a towel around herself.

She called Henry.
"I'm uh- home alone and I slipped while I was getting out the bath.." "Oh my God are you okay?"
"Not really.. I can't move, I think I broke a rib.."
"I'll be right there, stay still and don't move around, okay?"

Henry quickly rushed over to Lily's house, knocking on the bathroom door.
"Wait! Don't come in, I'm naked.."
"Who cares!?"
"I care! Can't you just.. close your eyes?"
"No, I can't do that. I need to see what I'm dealing with."
"I- fine.. just- give me my clothes first.."

Henry went into the room, closing his eyes for a moment as he walked over to her. He found her clothes and brought them to her, setting them down near her.

"Here are your clothes, just be careful not to move too much while you're getting dressed." She started to get dressed, crying out in pain as she put her trousers on. "Slow down, take your time." Henry urged, his voice filled with concern. She started crying, unable to move her arm without immense pain.

"Right, I'm coming in."
"No, wait! I'm shirtless.."
"I don't care, I need to help you."
"Fine.." She said, covering herself with her other arm.
"Are you okay?" Henry asked, his voice filled with concern. He gently placed his hand on her arm.
"I've been better.." He picked up her shirt, gently pulling her arm through as she groaned in pain.
"Anytime." He helped her to her

"Lily, I'm gonna go call the ambulance, okay? Stay here and don't move."
"No, no.. I don't need an ambulance." "Lily, I'm serious. You could have really hurt yourself."
"Can- can you at least give me a minute to put some makeup on?"
"No, you don't need makeup to go to the hospital."
"What if there's a cute doctor?" "Then he'll be too old for you."
"A trainee doctor?"
"Fine, but make it quick."

She put some makeup on, trying to style her hair but wincing in pain.
"Lily, hurry up, we really need to go."
"I need to do my hair." She said, still wincing in pain. Henry sighed.
"Lily, I promise you, you look beautiful even with messy hair."
"Can you pass me my hairdryer?" Henry shook his head.
"No, you don't need to blow-dry your hair. Come on, let's get you to the hospital."
"Please!" Henry grabbed her hairdryer and handed it to her. "Hurry up, please." He said, sounding slightly annoyed but also worried.

He knew how important her appearance was to her and he just wanted to get her to the hospital as quickly as possible. She tried to blow dry her hair, but ended up crying out in pain.

"Here, let me do it for you." He said, taking the hairdryer from her and gently blow-drying her hair. He tried to be as careful as possible, not wanting to hurt her more. He finished drying her hair, she tried putting in a ponytail, but kept feeling the immense pain in her ribs whenever she lifted her arm.

"Lily, let's just forget about the ponytail, okay? We really need to get you to the hospital now."
"Lily, for the love of God! Please, come to the hospital! Nobody cares about how you look!" She started tearing up as he yelled at her. "I'm sorry, I just- I'm worried about you. You could have really hurt yourself and you're not taking this seriously." He said, his voice slightly softer now. "I know you don't like hospitals and you're worried about your hair, but please understand that your health is more important than any of that. Let's just get you to the hospital and make sure you're okay."

"Fine.." She said, picking up her lipgloss and standing up. "That's my girl. Now, let's get you to the hospital."

He carefully took her up to Junk-n-Stuff, calling an ambulance to take her to the hospital. As they arrived at the hospital, the paramedics quickly got her into a stretcher and started to wheel her into the emergency room. Henry followed closely behind. When she got released from the hospital, Henry drove her home.

"Now, Lily, I want you to take it easy for a few days. No moving around too much, no lifting anything heavy. Just rest and let your body heal."
"Okay, Mom." She mimicked.
"I'm serious, Lily. You need to listen to me. You could have seriously hurt yourself." Henry said sternly. He knew she hated being treated like a kid, but she really wasn't in any state to argue.

"Now, I called Ray earlier and told him what happened, and hes asked me to stay with you until he gets back."
"Good, now, why don't you go ahead and rest up in your room while I make us some lunch?" Henry suggested with a soft smile. He was aware she wouldn't like being treated like this, but he also knew she needed the care right now. He helped her up to her room.

"You need any help getting changed?"
"No thanks.." He went and made lunch, when he came back, she was crying, her shirt half on. "I think I might need some help.." Henry hurried over to her, his heart sinking at the sight of her tears.
"What's wrong, Lily? Did you hurt yourself more?" He asked gently, trying his best to calm her down. "I'm fine.. just.. moved too fast.." He put the plates down, helping her finish putting her shirt on.

"Thanks.." She said as he flung the duvet over her.
"It's fine, why don't you eat something, get some rest and I'll stay here with you for a bit till you feel better." She ate lunch, gently laying down after. "Thank you, for everything." She said, closing her eyes.
"Anytime, Lily. You're welcome." He replied softly, gently stroking her hair as he tried to calm her breathing.

He stayed like that, holding her close and comforting her until she fell asleep. She opened her eyes for a moment, looking into Henry's. His heart raced as their eyes met. He leaned in closer, his hand on her jaw. She kissed him. The kiss caught him off guard, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he deepened the kiss, his hand moving from her jaw to her neck, holding her closer. His heart raced with a mix of surprise and desire as he responded to her initiative.

"Maybe I should break my ribs more often." She joked, pulling away.
"You're incredible," he breathed, his eyes still locked onto hers. "But I promise, no more broken ribs needed." He leaned in once more, his lips meeting hers in a tender, passionate kiss.


1165 words, kinda average feeling about this, but ik you lot like it when henry takes care of her (the first three chapters got alot of support) so I thought I'd give the people what they want. I have the next chapter mostly written I js need to edit it so it should be out soonn

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