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The day arrives for Danielle and Haerin to fly to New York. They are currently on board the plane that Haerin's dad booked for them.

"Let me do that," Haerin offered as Danielle struggled to put her bag in the overhead bin. She took Danielle's bag and placed it there herself.

Over the past few days, Haerin has been following through on her promises. She's determined to make amends for everything she did to Danielle. Although Danielle hasn't explicitly given her an answer regarding whether she can make up for everything, Haerin continues to try. She wants to set things right, to treat Danielle well and be a good someone to her.

She also apologizes to her friends Minji, Hanni, and Hyein as well for being such a headache and an inconvenience. She explains to them that she has already apologized to Danielle and shares her plans for making things right with her.

Upon hearing this, Hanni and Hyein hug her tightly, expressing their happiness and forgiveness for her past behavior. On the other hand, Minji gives her another round of lectures and delivers a few gentle but firm punches before enveloping her in a bone-crushing hug and forgiving her as well.

Danielle, on the other hand, experiences a whirlwind of emotions due to Haerin's change in attitude towards her. She feels a sense of happiness that Haerin has apologized and is making efforts to make amends—a sentiment that Haerin consistently demonstrates through her thoughtful gestures.

For instance, when Danielle was unable to move much due to her healing back, Haerin would tenderly and patiently apply ointment, displaying genuine care and concern. Throughout these past few days, Haerin has been remarkably gentle and attentive.

She even goes the extra mile by driving Danielle to school and back home. Most importantly, Haerin ensures that Danielle is never left alone with her dad. If her dad happens to be around, Haerin either spends the night at Danielle's place, or invites Danielle to stay at her house, where Danielle occupies the guest room adjacent to Haerin's.

Haerin notices that Danielle's dad seems hesitant to refuse her requests, likely due to her father's influential business reputation. Regardless, Haerin is grateful that she can give additional protection to Danielle.

However, amidst the gratitude and hope, Danielle also experiences fear. Despite Haerin's claims of wanting to be good to her, Danielle can't shake off the nagging doubt: what if it's just another one of Haerin's schemes?

What if, in the end, she'll only end up hurting Danielle once again, just like before? Though Danielle desires to give Haerin a chance, her fear holds her back. She feels emotionally traumatized by past experiences, making it difficult for her to respond when Haerin asks if she could have the opportunity to make amends.

But Danielle decides that, for now, she will go with the flow.

"Thank you," Danielle whispered, expressing her gratitude to Haerin. Haerin smiled softly in response, replying, "You're welcome." Danielle settled into her seat beside the plane's window, gazing outside. Haerin sat next to her, ostensibly looking out the window as well, but secretly focusing on observing Danielle from her peripheral vision.

Before long, they were airborne. Hours passed in awkward silence between them. Haerin had her earphones in, but she left one side off her ear to remain attentive if Danielle ever spoke to her.

It was only then that Haerin noticed Danielle's head leaning against the plane's window, the girl already fast asleep. Feeling uneasy about Danielle's position, Haerin hesitated for a moment before gently guiding Danielle's head onto her shoulder, being careful not to disturb her slumber.

Immediately after Danielle's head made a contact to her shoulders, Danielle unconsciously snuggled closer, resting her head on the crook of Haerin's neck. The sudden intimacy caused Haerin to inhale deeply, her heart racing in her chest, prompting her to question what was wrong with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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