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Haerin walked with Danielle to her room. The smell in the room was definitely Danielle's – it was sweet and soft, making the whole place feel cozy. Danielle shut the door quietly, looking a bit embarrassed, and thanked Haerin.

"Is your dad always like that?" Haerin inquired, her curiosity piqued by Danielle's father's apparent animosity towards her.

"For a while now," Danielle replied cautiously.

Haerin frowned, thinking to herself, "For a while?" Did that mean he wasn't always like that? She pondered the question but decided not to push Danielle for more details. She didn't want to intrude, nor did she want Danielle to think she cared more than she did.

Haerin's brows creased again, showing her inner struggle. Her emotions were complicated. She hated Danielle because of her mother, which led her to treat Danielle badly—like sending bullies after her and playing cruel games with her feelings. But alongside this hatred, there was a conflicting feeling: a need to protect Danielle. It confused her because she knew she shouldn't feel this way toward someone she'd been so mean to.

They stood there in silence, the tension thick in the air, neither of them moving, lost in their own thoughts. Haerin felt the heavy atmosphere weighing on her.

Feeling urged by something she couldn't name, Haerin spoke up, "I told your dad I'd take care of your injury," she started, her words cautious. "And since I'm here now, I might as well do it." She looked around the room for the medical kit. "Where do you keep your medicine kit?" she asked.

Danielle was surprised by Haerin's offer. "You don't have to, Haerin," she said shyly, almost in a whisper. Haerin looked at her directly. "I insist," she said firmly. "Plus, the dean told me to look after you until you're better. So, really, I'm doing it for me. The quicker your back heals, the quicker I'm off the hook from this punishment," she explained matter-of-factly.

Danielle felt a wave of sadness at Haerin's words. "So, she's just thinking about herself?" she thought sadly, her optimism fading.

Even so, despite her disappointment, she couldn't let Haerin help her. The idea of showing her bruised back to Haerin was too much to bear. She was afraid it would only give Haerin more ammunition for teasing.

"I'll take care of it myself, Haerin," Danielle insisted, but Haerin paid her no attention. Spotting the medicine kit, Haerin retrieved it with determination, her movements brisk and purposeful. She approached Danielle without a word, her demeanor serious and cold.

"Let me see your back," Haerin demanded bluntly. "Haerin, please, there's no need. I can manage," Danielle pleaded, her voice filled with desperation as she tries to grab the medicine kit from Haerin.

"What's wrong with her?" Haerin wondered to herself. Why was Danielle so afraid to show her back? "Don't test my patience, Danielle. Take your shirt off," Haerin ordered, her voice steady as she tried to keep her frustration in check. "You really don't have to, Haerin" Danielle begged.

Rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue in frustration, Haerin closed the distance between them, putting the medicine kit on the bed and reaching for Danielle's clothes. With determined movements, she unbuttoned Danielle's shirt until it was completely undone. She then guided Danielle to sit on the bed, positioning herself behind her.

"Stay still, and don't even think about moving," Haerin warned sharply as Danielle tried to get up. "I swear, Danielle, you won't like what happens next if you don't do as I say." Danielle stiffened.

Haerin grabbed the kit and opened it, swiftly taking off Danielle's shirt and revealing her back to the dim light in the room.

As Haerin finally looked at Danielle's exposed back, she felt like every muscle in her body froze. She couldn't believe what she saw. Fresh bruises covered Danielle's skin, reminders of what she had caused earlier. She had expected to see it. But what surprised Haerin were the many old scars that marked Danielle's flesh.

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