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Danielle's class started promptly at 7:30 in the morning, yet she always arrived at school an hour earlier.

One might assume she used this time to settle into her classroom, but no, that's not the case.

Instead of sitting at her desk, Danielle found herself in the school's restroom, frantically scrubbing away the remnants of a cruel prank. Her hair and clothes were a chaotic mess, adorned with tomatoes, eggs, and streaks of paint—a testament to the relentless bullying she endured.

Despite the torment, Danielle had grown accustomed to these attacks and kept spare clothes in her locker for such occasions. However, the cleanup was always a painstaking process, consuming nearly two hours of her morning.

As she finally emerged from the restroom, Danielle sighed, realizing she had missed her first class entirely. With only an hour and a half until the next one, she resigned herself to her usual sanctuary—the rooftop.

Limping from a twisted ankle sustained during her escape from the bullies, Danielle made her way to the secluded rooftop, seeking solace from the turmoil that plagued her daily existence.

The persistent bullying had not gone unnoticed by the school's faculty, who diligently addressed each incident. Yet, for every bully reprimanded or expelled, it seemed ten more emerged to take their place—a relentless cycle perpetuated by a figure of influence within the student body.

And speaking of that person, Danielle stops in her tracks as she sees her walking across the hallway. Her hands are swaying lightly at her sides, her lips seem to smirk mockingly, and her cat-like eyes hold a gaze so cold that you'd feel as though you're in the North Pole when she stares at you.

Kang Haerin. The source of her anguish is the architect of her suffering. The girl who had once claimed to love her, only to betray her in the cruelest of ways.

Haerin's presence sent a chill down Danielle's spine, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure. The memories of their past, of their shared laughter and stolen kisses, flooded her mind, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve.

But there was no room for sentimentality, no place for nostalgia, in this bleak landscape of betrayal and heartache. And so, with a heavy heart and trembling hands, Danielle pushed aside the memories and focused on the present—the harsh reality of her existence.

The girl looks so beautiful and innocent, you wouldn't believe she's one of the reasons why Danielle cries every night and why her school life is a living hell.

She's walking with her friends, Minji, Hanni, and Hyein. Danielle wants to turn away and run so she won't cross paths with them. But Minji already notices her.

The tall girl frowns, looking at Danielle's overall appearance. Seeing that the girl's hair is wet and her face is covered with bandages again.

Minji glares at Haerin. Although she technically doesn't do the actual bullying, she's just as responsible for it as the bullies she sets after Danielle. Minji can't tolerate it.

Her gaze returns to Danielle. Her stare is full of pity for the girl. She wants to help her, but she really can't do much aside from lecturing Haerin about stopping whatever she's doing with Danielle, especially since Danielle doesn't even do anything to deserve her bullying.

Hanni and Hyein also don't tolerate her bullying behaviors. Just like Minji, they can't stand it. However, the four of them have been friends since childhood, so they stay by her side. They know Haerin wasn't always like this.

As a child, Haerin was quiet, but she was very caring and polite. She didn't usually show affection, but she showed them that she cared about them in her own little ways.

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