11- 12, Grimmauld Place

12 2 15

Words- 2211

On a peaceful Sunday morning, Sirius strides towards the Great Hall, his steps echoing in the empty corridors. The anticipation of a day spent with his closest friends, the marauders, fills him with joy. With no lectures to attend, they have the whole day ahead of them to explore the castle and make mischief. 

As he walks towards the great hall, he thinks about the events of the previous day. They had played a game of Marauders Truth or Dare, during which Remus revealed that he had a crush. However, the gender of his crush. Sirius also shared that he is gay, and his friends accept that he is...

Sirius is feeling completely jealous about the fact that Remus has a crush, Sirius is jealous of Remus' crush...Who is Remus' crush he thought one knows, but Remus never told them, Sirius likes Remus not only as a friend but as a crush, Sirius has a crush on his Moony...

Sirius sighs...Remus already has a crush, mostly on a girl, there is no chance Remus will start liking Sirius it's just useless, I Am Useless...He won't get a chance to impress his Moony...

Sirius walks into the great hall, he spots his friends the Marauders and Lily sitting together, Sirius walks towards them...He notices Lily's head leaning on James' shoulder, wondering if Sirius will ever get to do that with Remus...

He sits between Remus and Peter, facing James and Lily...

He spots an empty seat next to Lily, Marlene's. But where is she?

"Hi Sirius" greets Lily

"Hey Padfoot!" says James

"Hey" replies Sirius 

Lily serves herself a piece of bacon...

"Lily where's Marlene?" asks Sirius

"Oh er.. Marlene had to go home, her mom had come to pick her up, Marlene's dad got hit by a curse and now he has lost some of his memory, Marlene might help him with getting his memory back," said Lily

Sirius shook his head and said, "He got attacked by who?"

Lily bit her lips nervously...

"Sirius your er.. father shot a curse at Marlene's dad," said Lily

Sirius was disowned in his second year at Hogwarts. He always hated his parents. Now, his fathers had attacked Marlene's dad and his eyes widened in shock...

"Sirius I know how you feel-" says James but gets cut off by Sirius 

"Horrible," said Sirius interrupting James 

"What?" asks James

"I feel horrible, knowing that my father attacked Marlene's dad, it's just horrible," said Sirius 

"Sirius it's not your fault-" starts Remus but gets interrupted 

"Marlene will hate me, she won't want to look at me, she will just hate me so much," said Sirius 

"Oh darling Sirius," says Lily with a soft comforting tone "I am sure Marlene won't hate you, she knows that you are nothing like your family, You're not a death eater like them, you would never hurt anybody, we all know that Sirius"

"But after all I am Sirius Black, I am a Black, and all the members of the Black family are meant to be evil, cruel and death eaters who follow Voldemort in the dark side, every Black member-" Sirius says 

Lily interrupts "Every Black except you Sirius, you are nothing like them, and anyways they disowned you when you were 12 years old, you lived with James and the Potters, believe me, Sirius you are a very good person, and we all trust you with all our hearts, we love you, Sirius."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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