9- I Love Her

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"I might s-say y-yes" said Lily blushing

James eyes widened... he stared at her...did she actually like him or was she just pretending to make him feel better...

"James s-say s-something" said Lily in a concerned tone

"A-Are you lying, I-If yes then p-please don't, don't lie a-about your f-feeling just t-to make m-me feel b-better" begged James trying to wipe tears on his cheeks

"N-No James I am not lying, I-I mean I-It, I really like you, I-I am just so sorry for breaking you h-heart, I really like you your amazing" assured Lily

James looked at in straight in her eyes "Y-You really like m-me, Me?, are you sure, last 6 years you have always hated me, and now you like me, am I dreaming?"

Lily chuckled "Your not d-dreaming, I really do like you"

James smiled

This was the first time he smiled in two days...He wiped  his tears, now finally he was feeling better his tears stoped flowing, he hugged Lily

Lily hugged back

"Please forgive me, for everything I said I never meant any of it" said Lily

James nodded

"You forgave me!!!" said Lily "Oh thank gods, I was scared that you will hate me, you are really a great person James"

"I am sorry for crying, I just felt so bad"

"James its fine to cry, and I didn't expect you to be happy after what I said, I am just so sorry" said Lily



"Go out with me Evans?"

"Absolutely Potter"

"As a date Evans?"

"Will love to"

"Oh My Gods I can't believe my ears, am I dreaming if yes then this is the best dream ever!!!! Evans said she will go out with me" said James 

Lily laughed "Yes Potter I said YES, and your not dreaming" 

James and Lily hugged


Mean while in Transfiguration class with Sirius, Remus and Peter...

"Where is James, he left great hall before us, he is not here" asked Sirius

"I feel so bad for James, he didn't deserve a breakdown and those insults from Lily" said Remus

Sirius nodded "Evans will pay for it, but first we need to find Prongs, wonder if he is fine, he must be really sad after what happened"

"Should we use the map" asked Peter

"Yup" said Sirius removing a parchment from his pocket he pointed his wand at it and said "I Solemnly Swear That I Am Up To No Good"

The parchment revealed itself, of course it was their map, the marauders map...

Remus took the map from Sirius's hand and started finding James in the map...

"Look there he is, 4th floor in the corner, no ones there except... Oh No!!" said Remus 

"What, who is there with him" asked Sirius

"Lily is there with him" said Remus

"Oh great now she is going to insult him even more, I fucking told her to stay away from James and now she is with him, Just great, now lets go get him" said Sirius and ran out side the class and to the fourth floor, Remus and Peter following him...

They found James and Lily hugging, Sirius looked at them in disbelief 

"Prongs?" said Sirius

"James? " said Remus a little louder

James broke the hug and looked at the marauders smiling...

"Oh hey " said James

Sirius stared at Lily with hatred "I told you to stay away with James and here you are with him?"

"No Sirius its fine, I am good now, actually I am great now, can you believe it Evans said YES!!!!"

Sirius eyes widened in surprise "she said yes?? you mean you asked her and she said yes?... OMG PRONGS SHE SAID YES TO YOU DIDN'T SHE, OMG I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU"

Sirius transformed into Snuffles and hopped on James and started licking his face...

"Oh my god Sirius I mean Snuffles s-stop it t-tickles omg stop hahahaha omg it t-tickles" said James laughing and trying to push Snuffles away

 Sirius transformed back and said "D-E-A-T-A-I-L-S"

James explained the whole thing to Sirius ,Remus and Peter ...

Later In The HeadDorms ...

Lily was sitting on the couch with James...her head leaning on James chest

 Sirius smirking at James and Lily, Peter on a love seat eating candies...Remus sitting beside Sirius eating chocolates...

"Its Saturday today we don't have classes and we don't have Hogsmead today either " said Peter

"Boring..." said Remus

"Maybe we should play Truth or Dare" suggested James

"Maybe we should play Marauders Truth or Dare" corrected Sirius

"Marauders Truth or Dare??" asked Lily

"Yup Marauder Truth or Dare, Its just impossible to lie in this" said James smirking at Lily

"What's the difference " asked Lily

"There's a lot of difference Lilypad, you see in the normal truth or dare, if someone picks truth they might lie, but in the Marauders Truth or Dare its impossible to lie" said Sirius smirking 

"How is it impossible?" asked Lily

"Before we answer the Truth we have to have a drink, a drink I mean Firewhisky with a drop of Veritaserum " Sirius said smirking proudly

"No you don't!!" said Lily

"Sadly they do" said Remus pointing at Sirius and James

"Its fun..." protested Sirius

Remus rolled his eyes

"Come on Moony it will be fun like always, I will go steal Firewhisky from the kitchen, hopefully the house elves will let me steal some, and I hope Minne or Dumbledore aren't there " said Sirius and ran out of the portrait door

"I can't believe we are doing this" said Lily

James smirked...

Marauders and Maraudettes- 7th YearWhere stories live. Discover now