chapter 15

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"So, let me get this straight," Chaeyoung was saying, from where she was sat on Sana's bed, flicking through a Pottery Barn catalogue. "You're going on a date with Y/n Y/l/n?"

"Yes," Sana confirmed, not looking away from the contents of her wardrobe. Outside her window, the sky was already beginning to turn pale grey. Winter had sent the evenings in early. She frowned, leaning in to push aside an old Vera Wang she hadn't worn since graduation. God, why do I still have some of these?

"I just –" Chaeyoung shook her head. "I don't know. I just didn't think your fresh start would involve dating a woman. Let alone that woman."

"Chae." Sana shot a look over her shoulder, turning back to rifle through her extensive dress collection and feeling increasingly like a teenager going on her first date. It was ridiculous. "You and I were roommates when Tzuyu and I had our fling," She reminded her friend absently, frowning at the rack of clothes.

"Yeah, and she was weird." Chaeyoung muttered. "But that was college. That stuff happens in college all the time. This is serious. And...too soon. Anyway, you said you didn't even like her that way!"

"No, I didn't." Sana didn't look away from the grey dress shirt she was currently scrutinising. "You asked if I did and then brushed over it. Anyway, it's not a proper date and we're definitely not dating. We're not putting any pressure on it."

"Sana, come on," Chaeyoung's voice was high and still held a little note of surprise. She could hear her turning the catalogue pages.

"Chaeyoung," Sana spun around, back against the open closet door. "I know it's really soon after Wonwoo, but I'm telling you, I... do like her." She paused. "I haven't felt this way in a long time. Not even about Wonwoo."

She watched Chaeyoung's face soften. "Okay," her friend flashed a quick smile. "Okay. Sorry. You know I just want you to be happy."

"And I appreciate that." Sana assured her. "But what I would really appreciate right now is some outfit advice. Why do you think I called you? You've been to this Christmas charity thing before, haven't you?"

"Nayeon and I went last year," Chaeyoung confirmed, easing herself off of the bed and tossing the catalogue down. "We're only not going tonight because her parents are in town."

"Right," Sana turned back to the contents of her wardrobe. "So how formal is formal?" She frowned, quoting the invitation Y/n had given to her the day after their talk. She'd said she wanted her to have all the information.

"Pretty formal, I guess," Chaeyoung said, materialising at Sana's shoulder. She was squinting into the depths of the wardrobe. "Like, too formal for this –" The blonde woman leaned over her to pick out a grey day dress she'd had forever, twisting around to toss it on the bed. "But not formal enough for this." That was punctuated by the soft thud of another dress hitting the coverlet.

"Got it." Sana nodded. Then, breathing in, she turned around to lean against the wardrobe doorframe and catch Chaeyoung's eye. "Thank you, for helping me out here. You know I'm out of practice with... Dating."

"Sha." Chaeyoung raised her eyebrows, smiling reassuringly. "You're going to be fine. You just need to relax. You said you were taking it slow, right?"


"Then you've got nothing to worry about. Just have fun. It's actually a cool event, and it's for a good cause." Chaeyoung paused, mouth open. All of a sudden, her eyes lit up. "Do you still have that black dress you wore for Jack and Ana's wedding?

Sana felt her brow furrow. "I don't – maybe. Are you sure that's still –"

"It's timeless!" Chaeyoung exclaimed sharply. "So you go find that while I get myself a drink and wait to see my creation come to life."

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