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After the ceremony I walked Feyd-Rautha to his bed chamber.

I was now officially his Servant.

We entered a grand room with high ceilings. It was grey and held a giant bed in the center with a large bathroom.

"Your Room, Na-Baron."

He gave me a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.

"If their is anything I can get you, press the red button on the side of your bed. It will alert me and I can come help."

His smile turned sinister and I walked out of the room.

I didn't feel comfortable with the idea of having to obey his orders, he was a complete and total psychopath who didn't deserve anything he had. It stressed me out to the point of exhaustion.




I walked back to the servants quarters. When I walked in everyone was waiting for me.

"What happened?!" Kore ran and hugged me.

"We thought the Baron wanted something sinister." Ama said her doe eyes red from crying.

I tried to speak but no words came out.

They seemed to understand.

"Your his new servant, aren't you." Kore half whispered the words as if he was listening.

I gave a weak nod and sat on my mattress.

The girls sat next to me, everyone else in the room was minding their own business knowing I needed space.

"He's gonna kill me." I mumbled.

"Nanali- don't." Beatrix laid her head on my shoulder.

We all stayed like that, Fear in the face of danger is said to be Irrational. It makes everything harder.

So when I finally fell asleep, I promised myself I would try my best to handle anything
Feyd-Rautha could throw at me.

I would try to stay calm and make it through this tough time. Arrakis is a Harkonnen Fixation, If I was to stay alive It must also be mine.




I woke up and yawned. Walking into the bathrooms I changed and got ready. Suddenly my button flashed red.

I walked to Feyd-Rautha's room and opened the door. He was wearing black pants with no shirt.

"You servant girl."

"Yes Na-Baron?"

"Get me some water."

He was annoyingly evil, I went to get a black cup of water on a silver tray. He grabbed it chugged it, set it back down, smacked his lips, then walked out the door.

I had to follow him around the whole day, Besides being scared out of my wits I didn't hate it. He was definitely crazy though. I watched him kill a servant because his food wasn't cooked right. It made me hate him to a boiling point.

The hours were long and tedious, every minute seemed to get worse. "You servant girl, get me fresh clothes." "You servant girl, let me sleep in peace." "You servant girl, I'm leaving."

It was on and on nonstop. I had half a mind to just let him kill me and leave, everything seemed ten times scarier when he was around. It didn't help that he was more handsome then i had previously thought.

He regularly had me doing errands, I was supposed to accompany him everywhere.




"Follow me."

No warning at all he appeared in front of me.
I trailed behind him, as he was walking to the place exit.

Feyd-Rautha stopped abruptly. "I'm going to take a look at the spice fields. Your joining baldy."

"Your also bald-"

"What did you say?"

I gave him a dirty look.


He grinned.


We walked to the air vehicle base, he spoke to some guards and we got on an ornithopter and flew out into the desert.

"We don't have any harvesters out, fremen attacks are becoming more frequent
Na-Baron." The pilot explained.

I looked out the window and saw the desert, it was beautiful a nice change from the black and grey colors the Harkonnens so adored.

"That orange color is the spice on the ground."

I turned around and saw Feyd-Rautha behind me. He smiled and pointed at the window. I looked out again and saw a dust cloud moving on the sand.

"That's a worm, known to the Fremen as

His finger touched the glass, it was focused on a figure riding on the worm.

"Rats, but smart smart Rats nonetheless..."

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