(02) long night

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★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

"matti, come pick me up right fucking now."

he was surprised by her lack of greeting. usually, she greets him with the happiest 'hi!!' known to man. it's such a happy hi, it instantly elevates his mood. this time, it was the complete opposite. her voice was wavering, and he heard her sniffling. she sounded like she was holding back the biggest sob known to man.

"where are you?"

he didn't ask any questions as to why she was crying. or about her boyfriend's whereabouts. she needed him to pick her up, and that's what he did.

he easily ran two red lights, and ignored all the stop signs. he undoubtedly just earned himself a hefty amount of tickets.

she was waiting for him, sitting on a random rock, shivering in her bikini.

to her dismay, chris approached her. "let me
take you home."

"no, thanks." cold, but polite.

"c'mon, what are you gonna do?" he asked. "you have no one to take you home."

"you're not the only person i know, you know."

"watch you say mattia's gonna come pick you up." he scoffed.

"you don't like that?" a voice behind chris asked.

before chris fully turned around, mattia punched him. chris collapsed to the floor, sand undoubtedly entering unwanted places.

chris was on the floor whining like a little bitch, that's when they took it as their cue to walk away.

mattia shrugged off the jacket he was wearing and carefully placed it on des's shoulders.

"your jackets gonna be covered in sand and saltwater." des informed, tugging the jacket closer.

"nothing new." he shrugged.

he opened the car door for her and closed it once she was fully in.

before fully starting the car, he pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and placed it between his lips.

he thought she was gonna give him the classic scoff paired with a "those things aren't gonna make you live past 50."

instead, she snatched it and put it between hers.

"what are you doing?" he asked warily.

"my boyfriend just cheated on me, i deserve this."

"he WHAT?" he turned his head so fast it gave him whiplash.

"why did you think i was crying?" she asked.

"i don't know!" he shrugged.

"keep driving, grumpy." she ordered, taking another drag from the cigarette.

"give it, sunshine." he snatched it back. "you're not like this. you don't smoke."

"i just got broken up with, cut me some slack."

she let the words sit. mattia kept looking at her worriedly. like she was about to break.

that's what she did.

"i just got broken up with." she cried, throwing her head on his shoulder.

he put a hand over her head and rubbed it comfortingly.

"my god, matti, if you read the texts!" she shook her head.

he quickly parked the car and walked to her door. he opened it and he carried her to her room while she cried on his shoulder.

he laid her down on her bed which he found kind of hard because the room was dark as shit. the only source of light was coming from the tv.

she continued to cry, mattia turned on some disney show and turned up the volume so her roommate, larray, doesn't hear her.

"i should've known." she said once she finally stopped crying, snuggling her head into mattia's chest.

"how." mattia asked. "how could have you known."

"he's a jock, and his name is chris."

"oh yeah, that's a dead giveaway!" mattia said sarcastically. "you can't tell if someone's a bad person based on their appearance, des. you out of all people should know that."

"how would i know that?"

"you decided to ignore my bitchiness and be my friend. ever since we were children you knew better to decide someone's personality based off of stereotypes." he reminded.

"you're right." she nodded.

"are you kidding? of course i am." he scoffed cockily.

"okay." she grabbed a throw pillow and threw it over his face. she rolled herself off of his chest, making him push the pillow off his face.

"what did you do that for?"

"goodnight." she rolled her eyes sarcastically, a small smile on her face.

out of instinct, she went to kiss his cheek. once her lips were already on his cheek, she realized that this was not chris. this was not her boyfriend. this was mattia. her best friend.

he gave her a look. despite the room being dark, she saw that look so clearly. she sort of understood it.

at first, she thought it was a look of confusion. once she really looked, she realized it was a look meant for her. it was a look of understanding. he understood her, and she fucking loved it.

"careful now, wouldn't want you to fall in love with me." he said lightheartedly.

"i'll try my best." she said sarcastically.

she gave him her back and closed her eyes.

she tried to sleep, but she couldn't.

all she could do was replay what just fucking happened. she felt like time moved way too fucking fast.

every single time she replayed that moment, all she could think of was the look he gave her. and every single time she thought of the look he gave her, she thought that it looked more like love than understanding. did she have proof? not much. not any, actually. but she saw enough.

she slapped her forehead. she has reached the top level of delusion. she does not like mattia, and mattia does not like her! they've been best friends for as long as they could think of. she could not love her best friend all of a sudden. she was just upset about the fact that her long term boyfriend was cheating on her almost the entire time.

right when she fully convinced herself that mattia is just her best friend. she felt his arm wrap around her waist, and pull her closer to him.

she knew this was gonna be a long night.

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

woah guys we're moving a bit too fast!!
this is what happens when u let the fic write itself 😆😆😆 i think i need to invest in some planning yk 💗

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mattia polibioHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin