(06) burnt toast

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★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

"i fucking knew it!"

mattia and destiny jolted awake. they saw a very angry, red faced chris at the foot of the bed.

"you're cheating on me!"

"woah- what!" she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "hi, good morning! talk me through this, how did you come to this conclusion?"

"you're sleeping with him!" he pointed at mattia angrily.

"she wishes." mattia scoffed, closing his eyes again.

"i am not sleeping with mattia!" she shook her head. "i am sleeping on the same bed he is. two different things, chris."

"why would you sleep on the same bed if you didn't have any.. chemistry!"

"chris, you know this!" she groaned. "he's been my best friend since forever! obviously we're gonna be close. you have to realize that sooner or later."

"no." he shook his head. "you just wanna get back at me because i cheated on you."

"chris, do you realize how stupid you sound?!" she yelled.

larri barged in the room. "chris? what are you doing here?"

"you didn't let him in?" mattia's eyes shot open.

"no?" larri shook his head.

"how the fuck did you come in?" mattia asked, sitting up.

"he's shirtless!" chris pointed out the obvious. "you still wanna tell me you aren't cheating on me, you whore?"

as soon as those words left his mouth, mattia jumped up and pinned him to the wall. "don't call her that, you disrespectful asshole."

chris head butted mattia, then gave him a fat punch on the face.

"hey!" larri yelled. he pulled chris's hair, and dragged him out of the house. "don't go around punching my people." he pushed him out of the house.


"that's so nice!" she smiled sarcastically. "now all our neighbors are gonna think i actually am a slut."

"you're loved by every single person in this town, destiny. if not the whole state of new jersey. i don't think they're gonna believe some white boy called chris over you." mattia reminded.

"he's right." larri nodded. "at the end of the day, you're the one that remembers all their birthdays and sends them homemade cookies. not him. you actually have a positive affect on people's lives."

"yeah." she nodded.

"you know what?" mattia said. "let's go surfing."

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

mattia and destiny were out surfing while larri was tanning. by the time they were done surfing, they were tired as shit.

they had larri drive, while they laid down and dozed off. when they got home, they ordered taco bell.

"i need to sleep." she yawned. "today has been way too eventful."

"tell me about it." mattia agreed.

she laid her head on mattia's lap as they waited for their order to come.

the doorbell rang and no one got up.

"larri!" mattia and destiny screamed.

larri jumped and ran to the door, "y'all got me feeling like i'm your bitch the fuck."

he took the order and placed it on the table.

they ate the tacos like starved children. they quite literally breathed it down and walked back to her room.

"y'all confuse me." larri blinked.

des was still in her bikini. she was way too tired to change out of it. she was honestly surprised at how sleepy she was. she's usually a little bit sore after surfing, not full on sleepy. but she also stayed up really late last night, and woke up super early this morning.

mattia found a shirt he discarded a couple nights before on the floor and handed it to her.

she wore it, and some cotton shorts she found on the floor. her room was a fucking mess.

with a huge sigh, they both plopped down on the bed. they were facing each other when they began to doze off. suddenly, his eyes shoot open, making hers do so too. there was a strange look on his face. he opens his mouth, pauses, closes it, then says, "you're my best friend."

destiny didn't know if it was the sleep deprivation getting to her, or if she was actually interpreting this correctly. she knew what you're my best friend really stood for. she knew that he was in love. and she wasn't totally upset about that. maybe she was in love with him too.

"i'm gonna be here for you. always." he promised.

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

the following morning, des woke up and mattia wasn't next to her.

she felt disgusting. she immediately ran to the shower. once she stepped out of the shower she smelled burnt toast. larri only cooks on tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays. today was sunday. it wasn't him doing the burning.

she quickly put on some clothes and went out to the kitchen.

"what the hell happened!" she gaped

"i accidentally burned some toast." he smiled sheepishly.

"mattia, you're half italian how do you not know how to cook toast." she blinked.

"i don't know!" he shrugged, "nobody taught me how to."

"it should be in your blood! you think someone taught me how to throw chancla's?"

"womp womp!"

"i left your shirt on the vanity, by the way."

"keep it." he shrugged, tossing the burnt toast in the garbage.

"if i keep your shirt, you have to keep your word, okay?" she said, referring to the promise he made last night. "can't afford to lose you again."

"i will, ma." he smiled, making a new meal.

she smiled at him smiling. when she caught herself smiling and immediately stopped. she didn't want to like anyone for a while after chris. she was stupid enough to give him a second chance, but obviously he was still so embarrassingly insecure. what if her judgment in boys is clouded? she needs to make sure that the guys she's going for are not completely fucked in the head.

she remembered mattia smiling and couldn't help letting go of all her fears.

"let's go on a walk." she told him.

"the food-" he pointed at the pan in front of him.

"we can cook some later." she shrugged.

he turned the stove off and left the house with her.

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

yeah this fic is gonna be super short ! whoopsies

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now