No plot, fuck you

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Honestly, Charlie couldn't handle Ted. He was unbelievably cool, so nonchalant in his entire existence that it made Charlie wildly jealous. Not to mention that Ted was definitely one of most attractive people Charlie had ever known, if not THE most attractive.

He had come to terms with his overwhelming crush a while ago, but it never made being near Ted any easier. Especially now. Being with him, alone.

It was not something that had happened before, and Charlie was stressed. He wished Schlatt would come back, that he would pop back into the hotel room with an "oops, forgot my phone," and then just end up staying the night with them.

But no. Charlie could only imagine how comfortable Schlatt was in his room next door, since he insisted on having a room to himself. Leaving Charlie with Ted. Again, alone.

Charlie was sat on his bed, the one farthest from the window, trying to act like he didn't have a horrific crush on one of his best friends, who just happened to be staying in the same room as him. Ted, of course, looked effortlessly amazing as he sat with his back against the wall on his bed as he scrolled on his phone.

As he often did, Charlie tried his best not to stare, but he did shoot an occasional glance over at Ted, his heart rate accelerating in his chest every time he did. Finally he was caught in the act as he looked up and Ted was looking at him with a small smile and a tilted head.

"You good over there?" He asked, setting his phone down on his lap.

"Oh, um- sorry, yeah," Charlie laughed awkwardly.

"D'you wanna come sit over here with me?" Ted asked, his words hesitant for the first time. "I mean- if- never mind, you can ignore me."

Charlie smiled slightly, though it didn't match the feeling of almost panic that settled in his chest, forcing his breath to shallow and speed up. Instead of answering, he got up and moved to Ted's bed, sitting carefully on the side, prepared to bolt at any second.

Ted pushed himself over to the other side of the bed, patting the now empty space next to himself. "I'm not gonna like, bite you, you can come over."

Charlie laughed awkwardly again, the sound a high, erratic giggle. He wasn't entirely sure what he was supposed to do with himself, so he did as Ted said, moving over so he was now sitting fully on the bed, only a few inches between him and his crush. He didn't mention that he wished Ted would bite him.

"Sorry, I just don't-" He started before faltering, unsure about how much he actually wanted to share.

"You don't, like, know what to do with yourself?" Ted guessed, and Charlie nodded. "Don't worry, I have the same problem. It's a bit worse around you, actually."

"What does that mean?" Charlie asked carefully, moving so he was sitting cross-legged so he wouldn't feel so vulnerable.

Ted shrugged. "I dunno, like... I just have a hard time figuring out how to word things or act when you're around."

"Just me?" Charlie asked, blinking a few times.

"Just you," Ted confirmed. "But that might just be because...-" He paused, looking worried suddenly as he looked away quickly, turning his face to the bed.

"Because what?" Charlie asked quietly, a bit nervously.

Ted took in a breath, turning back to look at Charlie. His cheeks were glowing red, something Charlie had never seen before. "Because I really like you."

"Oh, well I really like you too-" Charlie said, hoping this was something else but assuming it was a friendzone situation.

"No, like... I really really like you. And it's been driving me crazy for a while," Ted said, his voice quiet, almost like it was stuck in his throat.

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