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Charlie - gentle, like he's afraid of hurting the other person. Sometimes he gets in a bitey mood though. Fucking NEVER the one to instigate french.

Schlatt - rather rough, but can be gentle when he feels like it. (the other two usually joke and ask who replaced Schlatt when he starts being more gentle with them). Always the one to instigate french like dont fucking even.

Ted - gentle, because he loves babying his boys. But he is oddly the hardest biter like how does that even work. Will instigate french w/ charlie but not w/ Schlatt.


Charlie - holy shit this dude loves cuddling or snuggling or any form of physical contact. He's always the one to try to hold hands first, and he's the one that will lay on someone on the couch. Always up against someone. No one knows why he's like this but no one is complaining. He loves hugs and will sob if someone gives him a hug after not being hugged in a hot minute. He sleeps in between the two because he is small and adorable. Small spoon for both ted and Schlatt.

Schlatt - won't admit it but GOOD LORD he craves physical attention. He tries to be the macho man that doesn't like or want hugs or cuddles even though the other two KNOW that he likes it. He lets the other two do whatever they want with him, so he often is used as a pillow. He'd strangle anyone who knew but he loves being the small spoon. Big spoon for Charlie, small for Ted.

Ted - doesn't need as much physical contact as the other two but will occasionally become intensely touch deprived and needs like a weekend of non-stop cuddling. He loves to hug onto people on the couch or if they're lying down and will kill for the spoon. He likes to lie with his boys and often tangles his legs with Schlatt's or Charlie's. Sometimes gets an obliterating craving for Charlie's hugs. Small spoon for NO ONE. but sometimes he lets Charlie hug onto his back when they're in bed. Doesn't count though, for sure.


Charlie - he doesn't seem like it but hoo boy does he get jealous. If he sees ANYONE that even mildly looks like they're coming onto either of his boys, he'll start plotting their demise then and there. Has often stopped conversations between someone and one of his boys because he thought they were flirting too hard.

Schlatt - goddamn if you think Charlie gets jealous just wait. He's on the verge of being a yandere for his boys (they think it's cute), but neither of them really mind. Obviously he lets them have friends and a life and won't kill someone for talking to them, but he often hovers just to make sure that the other person won't try to do something. Gets mildly upset at the other person if they're taking away too much attention from him. (attention whore fr)

Ted - doesn't really care. He's not super jealous and knows his boys won't do anything if someone flirts with one of them. However, he's almost as bad of an attention whore as Schlatt but refuses to say anything about it, and kind of just suffers in silence.


Charlie - Bottom for life baybeee. Actually cannot top because it makes him anxious but he will ride. Praise is his weakness but will cry if degraded. Tiny little pain kink. He will genuinely do anything to get choked holy shit.

Schlatt - Strict top. Literally refuses to be bottom unless he's made to. Lowkey loves it when Charlie rides. If he has to be bottom, bro has an INTENSE bondage kink but refuses to tell anyone (they figured it out anyway). Degradation up the fucking wall but craves praise at the same time. Probably the one with the most pain kink, but it still isn't much. If bottom, choke him pls.

Ted - Switch, doesn't really care. Bottom for Schlatt and top for Charlie. Will occasionally make Schlatt bottom because Schlatt's ego is getting out of check. Loves to bite or be bitten. Praise, for the love of christ. Pain kink the size of Charlie's. Also loves to be choked???? What is up with these guys smh. Kinda freaky but blood? Damn. someone get him a knife. 


Charlie - Doesn't have a specific one for Schlatt but calls Ted "Teddy". He likes to call them "beloved" or "sugar". (we don't know why)

Schlatt - Calls Charlie "Slime" or "Slime Boy", and calls Ted "Teddy" or "Teddy Bear." Would strangle anyone who knew but on occasion calls them both "darling", "honey", and "love". (bro is pookie frfr)

Ted - Honestly not one for nicknames but does jokingly call Schlatt "Rammie". Fucking obsessed with calling Schlatt "J". Like Schlatt, will call Charlie "Slime". Goes with the pretty tame "baby" but only sometimes, for either Schlatt or Charlie.

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