Kidnapped by a Vampire

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It was dark out. The moon hid behind the clouds, sending muted light scattering across the ground. Schlatt pulled his hood up as he walked through the silent streets, looking for someone, anyone.

Tonight was the only night that it seemed to be completely deserted outside, however. His search was proving futile.

Just as he was about to give up, a sweet scent reached him, carrying on the almost still air. Given how strong the scent was, Schlatt guessed that the person it belonged to was rather close by.

He followed the scent, finding it rather amusing that it smelled like vanilla, with just the tiniest hint of lime. He slowed his walk as the scent became so strong it was almost unbearable, irresistible.

The person it belonged to was just a few feet away now, walking along the sidewalk, shrunken into himself like he was pretending to not exist, like he was trying to avoid being noticed. But Schlatt noticed him.

His scent was driving Schlatt mad, almost ripping away all of his self control. His fangs grew in his mouth, brushing against his bottom lip. He wondered if the boy's blood would taste as good as he smelled.

Schlatt walked up beside the boy, piping up with a quiet, "hey."

The boy jumped, turning to look at Schlatt quickly. Schlatt could hear his heart pounding rapidly in his chest, speeding up with the scare.

"Um- hi?" The boy muttered.

Schlatt took a second to analyze the person in front of him. Shit, he was actually cute.

He hated killing the cute ones, maybe he'd let this one live. Schlatt quickly devised a plan to keep this one breathing before he answered without missing a beat. "I know this is super random, but can you do me a favor?" Venom started to drip from his fangs, filling his mouth.

"What- um- what kind of favor?" The boy asked nervously, his voice wavering.

Schlatt didn't answer, instead moving in front of the boy so quickly that if he had blinked, he wouldn't have seen Schlatt move. Schlatt cupped the boy's cheeks, connecting their lips in a kiss.

The boy let out a terrified squeak, his heartbeat starting to race again. Schlatt made sure the venom in his mouth was pushed into the boy's mouth, making the boy's knees weak instantly as he started to black out.

Schlatt pulled away, picking up the boy before he could fall, taking him to where he lived, which happened to be a mansion not too far away from where they had been. Schlatt lived there with some other vampires as part of a coven, and all of them knew about his habit of bringing back the guys he found cute.

"Not a fuckin' 'nother one," the youngest coven member whined when Schlatt entered the mansion with the boy in his arms.

"Fuck off, Tommy," Schlatt hissed. "He's cute and he smells nice..."

"You're insane." Tom rolled his eyes, wandering off.

"Another cute one? Lemme see!" One of Schlatt's favorite coven members popped into the room, peeking at the sleeping boy in Schlatt's arms. "I love himmm... Can we keep him?"

"I dunno Ted, I hope so," Schlatt smiled down at the boy, already growing a strong fondness for the boy that he didn't usually feel for the guys he brought back.

"I think he's cute too," Wilbur muttered as he passed through the room curiously.

"He's gonna wake up soon, you fucks. I gotta go," Schlatt laughed, heading for the stairs.

"Have funnn~" Ted sang with a grin before following after Wilbur.

Schlatt took the boy upstairs, entering his room just as the boy's heartbeat started to speed up again, signaling he was about to wake.

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