Chapter 9

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After the whirlwind week Betty had she just wanted a little normalcy, well as normal as her life can get at the moment. She decided to visit her sister in the hospital to see how she was and to update her on what was going on. Betty was thankful that the hospital lifted their ban on her a couple of days after her outburst, she would have done worse things to make sure her sister was doing well.

Betty checked in and walked through the hospital to her sister's room, the nurses didn't pay her much mind anymore and she was grateful for that. She didn't need to make any more enemies in the place that might save her life one day. On her recent visits, she would bring treats for the nurses, mostly to apologize and also to make more connections.

Polly was lying in her bed, monitors beeping, with multiple tubes still attached to her body, She looks better, Betty thought as she sat down in the chair beside the bed.

"Hey, Pol," Betty whispered, trying not to startle her sister, she placed her hand on Polly and smiled.

Polly smiled back at her, "Hey sis how's it going? Staying out of trouble?"

Betty chuckled and patted her hand, "You know me I'm an angel, how are you? I haven't visited in a few days, is there any other news?"

Polly's face lit up "Actually yes! They said I'm getting out in a couple of days, I won't be one hundred percent, but I'll be able to go home."

"Oh Polly, that's amazing!" Betty exclaimed, "Do you want me to come stay at your house for a while? To help with your recovery, only if you want of course!"

Polly gazed back at Betty, "Of course, I'd love the help thank you. Now tell me what I've missed."

Betty went on to explain everything that had happened, Betty running into Jughead, then kidnapping Jughead, telling him about the Phantoms, and their alliance, she told her every little detail Polly wouldn't let her miss anything.

Polly sat up in her bed, "Betty are you crazy!" She whispered harshly, "How could you make an alliance with the Serpents and jeopardize the secrecy of the Phantoms? What would mom think?"

"Luckily she is in a coma right?" Betty laughed, devoid of any emotion, "I think it's for the best Pol, he's the only one who knows, we even did the oath."

"Seriously! How could he be okay with kidnapping and mutilation?" Polly basically screamed

"Lower your voice," Betty whispered back, "He seemed cool with it after I promised protection and intel, and as for Mom she left me in charge, I make the rules and I decide who gets to know what."

Polly settled back in her bed, "I'm going to trust you on this, but you can't leave me in the dark again, I'm serious Betty, I'm pulling big sister rank."

Betty smiled lovingly at her big sister, "I won't lie to you anymore Polly, I promise."

"Are you going to visit mom?" Polly asked abruptly

Betty shook her head, "I don't think that's a great idea, she wouldn't want to see me."

"She's in a coma," Polly said pointedly, "I'm sure she'll get over it, but I think it would be good for you if you saw her."

"Why? So I can feel even worse?"

"It's not your fault," Polly said sincerely, "It was an accident, it's no one's fault."

"I'm the one who called them while they were driving, I'm the one that started a fight, I'm the one that screamed and yelled that I hated them. Now I might never get the chance to tell her how sorry I am." Tears started to form in Betty's eyes

"It's not your fault, but you can go and visit her, talk to her a little and you could even apologize for whatever you think you did." Polly voiced, "You might even feel a weight lift off your shoulder, just give it a chance?"

Betty sighed "Alright, for you." She wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

"Good," Polly beamed, "Tell me what else is going on, it's so boring being locked up in here."

After a while, Betty said goodbye to Polly and headed toward the ICU where her mother was located. Dread filled Betty's stomach the closer she got to the room, she didn't know what she was going to do or say when she got there, but she knew she had to say something. She walked into the room and looked around. Unlike Pollys, her mother's room was dark and stuffy. There were some get-well cards and dead flowers from when her mother was first admitted, it looked like no one had visited in a while. The person who would often come was now a patient in the same hospital, it made Betty sad that her mother didn't have a huge support system.

When Betty finally laid eyes on her mother, she was sick. The beautiful woman she remembered was now an empty shell. Her face was pale, her cheeks had sunken in from the weight loss, and her once bright blonde hair now looked dull and matted. Betty could feel herself breaking down, she grabbed a chair and sat down. Tears streamed down her face, she openly wept as she stared at her mom.

"What happened to you?" Betty cried, "How could you let this happen?"

She shakily reached over and touched her mother's hand, it was warm to the touch but very rigid. Betty's breath hitched, how could this be my mom? She questioned herself, she held her hand tightly.

"Mom? I'm not sure you can hear me, but I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I called you and we argued and I'm sorry my last words were so mean. I didn't know it was going to be the last time I'd hear your voice." Betty said weakly, "And I'm sorry about Dad, you don't even know he's dead, when you wake up your whole life is going to be flipped upside down and I can't help but think it's my fault. You have no idea how much I've thought of this moment and what I would say, but at this moment I can't think of anything except I'm sorry." Tears continued to pour as she spoke, "So much has happened, and I'm scared. I don't know what I'm doing and I don't have your guidance. And I need it, mom, I need you." Betty laid her head on her mom's hand and cried. She felt like she had cried for hours.

At this moment Betty felt like a little girl again, she had spent the last couple of months acting tough for everyone's sake, but no one was acting for hers. She knew she was in over her head when she took over, and when she was going to bring down a drug ring on her own, but in this moment in front of her mom she felt the weight of the world crash down on her. She needed her mom and she knew she couldn't have her.

Betty kissed her mother's hand, "I love you, Mommy," She said in a broken voice, "I'll be back soon, the worst is over."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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