Chapter 7

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Jughead was waiting for a break in the Betty Cooper situation, and his break came as a phone call.

"Hey Jug, she's here at the drive-in like we thought she would be." One of the Serpents, Toni, had reported.

"Sweet thanks T, I'm on my way," Jughead started to rush out the door of the Whyte Wyrm

"Just a heads up she's not alone, there's a guy here too," Toni said

This made Jughead stop in his tracks, "Do we know him?"

"I don't recognize him, could be a dealer or a buyer, it's too dark to tell," Toni responded

"Thanks for the heads up, I'll be there in 5," Jughead rushed to his motorcycle and sped off, trying to get to the drive-in as fast as he could. He had arrived at the corner that Toni was on in just under 5 minutes.

"Jeez Jug, what did you do, run all the red lights?" Toni laughed sarcastically.

"This is a big deal, T, I had to get here as soon as possible." Jughead glanced over to the drive-in, he could make out the silhouette of two people, "Good I haven't missed them."

Jughead watched as Betty and the unknown man talked for another 5 minutes, he noted that in the middle of the exchange, they handed each other something. That must be ZigZag, Jughead thought. He was going to catch her red-handed and she'd have to give him information.

When Jughead saw the man starting to leave, he started to sneak over, he shooed Toni away so that his cover wouldn't be blown. Jughead stealthily snuck through the metal fence that surrounded the abandoned drive-in, he watched as Betty rounded to the back of the old snack bar. Jughead followed shortly after, rounding the corner he saw Betty's back was turned.

Jughead charged at her, pushing her up against the building, "Got ya," He whispered to her, "I knew you were doing some shifty things, no one comes to an abandoned lot to hang out."

Betty raised an eyebrow at him, "Are you sure I didn't come here for a little fun," She smirked at him, put a hand on his arm, and rubbed it up and down.

Jughead flushed, he knew that Betty was beautiful, anyone could see that, but being so close to her he could really see. The moon bounced off her blond hair, illuminating her like an angel, and her green eyes looked up at him with a mischievous glint. She smiled at him like she knew he was affecting him.

Jughead shook his head, "Nice try, just because you're hot doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you."

"You think I'm hot?" Betty smiled at him

"Don't try and distract me, you know why I'm here. Give me some information on this ZigZag you've been dealing with," Jughead demanded through gritted teeth.

"Dealing? I've never dealt a drug in my life," Betty rolled her eyes.

Jughead pushed her further into the wall, "Don't test me, I don't care if you're a woman, I'll gladly get someone to get the information out of you."

"Not if I get information first," She looked up at him triumphantly.

"What-" Jughead couldn't finish his sentence, a bag was thrown over his head and he was pulled away. When they removed the bag, he was tied to a chair in the snack bar. He looked around at the five people in front of him, "What the hell!" He yelled and tried to move his arms, but no luck.

"Shut up," The redhead spit, "You're lucky to be alive."

"Well, I'm sorry, thank you so much for not killing me," Jughead rolled his eyes, as he continued to struggle against the rope that held him down.

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