Chapter 5

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It's been a week since Jughead talked to the elusive Betty Cooper, and it's been a shit show. He hasn't gotten any new information on the drugs or who's selling them, his dad has been getting worse and worse, alcoholically speaking, and to top everything off the pipes in the Whyte Wyrm have burst.

"Shit," Jughead whispers to himself as he assesses the damage. He pushes the wall and it ripples like a puddle, "What the fuck am I gonna do," Jughead pushes his hair back in frustration.

"Hey Jug," FP says as he walks through the door, "Looks like you got a real mess out here boy" He slaps Jughead on the back.

"Yeah, no shit Dad," Jughead sighs, "We don't have the funds to deal with this, how did this even happen? I didn't notice any leaks or signs."

"Ah Jug, you know things like this happen." FP pauses and thinks, "Hey, I got an old high school friend that lives in town, he owns a construction company, maybe he can help."

Jughead looks at him, "You think he could do it on the cheap?"

"Yeah I think so, he comes in here every once in a while, he mentioned how hard it is to get a job recently."

"Dad, if you could get him that would be a big help, thanks" Jughead smiled brightly at his dad.

"Consider it done boy," FP smiled back at his son.

After a few calls from FP construction at the Wyrm happened almost immediately, FP's high school friend was Fred Andrews, and he agreed to do the construction job for $500 and free drinks. It was a deal Jughead couldn't pass on, and also a deal he couldn't help but be suspicious of.

Along with his crew, Fred brought his son Archie, apparently, Jughead had gone to school with him but he didn't really remember, he had dropped out his freshman year when he realized his family was struggling financially.

"How's the damage, Fred? Give it to me straight." Jughead said with all seriousness

Fred took a deep breath and put his hands on his hips, "I'm gonna be honest it's not looking good, we're gonna have to take down this whole back wall and replace all the outdated pipes. We're looking at a month's work, maybe more."

"A whole month?" Jughead said shocked, "That's insane, what are we gonna do about the bar, that's how we make our income."

"How about we put up a sheet and me and my men work a little later than we're used to, maybe we could expedite this." Fred looked at Jughead with sincerity, "We honestly don't mind, it would give us something to do during this lull in work."

Jughead nodded, "If you aren't bothered by rowdy bikers and loud music I think this could work." He smiled at Fred and shook his hand.

Their talk was interrupted by Jughead's phone, "Sorry Fred, give me one second." Jughead walks away to answer the call in a more private location, "Hey Pea, what's up?"

"Hey Jug, we've spread throughout the city, are you sure this Betty girl is the one we want?"

"Yeah Pea, she's the one Pop mentioned," Jughead looks around and lowers his voice, "We need more intel, so if you see her follow her and call me. I'm going to see if we can get someone to dig up some dirt, I think she's the link to everything."

"Got it, Boss, I'll keep you updated." Sweet Pea hung up.

Jughead turned towards Fred, "Sorry, just give me a couple more minutes," He looked back down at his phone and dialed, "Hey, I didn't want to call you but things are getting rough over here, I need some information."

"You know there's a price for quality info, what can you give me?" The woman on the other line questioned.

"Seriously Veronica, you know you owe me," Jughead stated, frustration evident in his voice.

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