See You Soon, Serpent

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Zeta was the first to open her eyes, realizing that Kobo was still sleeping, and Kaela was awake, but laying there motionless.

Had it been morning already? It could have been in the early morning where sunrise had not yet begun. She guessed, unmoving of the clock. The room was dark. There was a slight shiver of cold hitting on her skin.

Kaela scooted carefully, slowly off the couch that became like a wrap gift for her sheer amount. She purred softly as if near silent beats, after that she craned back for reaffirmation. Kobo remained dead straight laying on the couch, probably dreaming about splish splosh waters.

"What's the matter?" Zeta asked, carefully getting up without waking the tiding, snoring girl. Facing the blonde serpent made her look warily.

Kaela gave a weak groan, followed by a knowing head shake.

Immediately Zeta's face dropped.

"Ahhh... r-right." She muttered a word, only a word, and it struck her that the reality was now. Now. Later it would be all over again. 'Right.' — internally echoed in her head. "It's time huh?"

Kaela slithered in a narrowed zigzag forward. She passed by the silver girl who quickly followed behind. Passed the frame of the door attached to the descent staircase. She flapped her upper body and began treading down steps.

The power room greeted them, its radiating heat warmer than any other room. But it was not contending for Kaela's own warmth, which was noticeably stronger by miles.

Zeta walked to the burning chamber and chugged a couple of woods into it. "You still love this room right?" She craned her head back tediously.

Kaela nodded after giving a contented murmur. Her yellow fur rose up slightly by the warming comfort.

"I know you do." Zeta remembered the first time they met. Kaela crept into Silver Bell's entrance begging her to get rid of coldness. This was the room that provided the solution.

Zeta closed the chamber's lid shut, turning backwards.

Kaela now had two clear flurries in her eyes. Despite being a sea serpent she wasn't scared of fire, as long as she's not burned by it. It looked cute.

"It's time huh?" Zeta put her hands inside her pockets. "You need to go now."

Seeing the silver girl awkwardly keeping it to herself made Kaela sad.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zeta asked.

Kaela slithered as slow as possible to get out of the room, avoided the question completely, mumbling, rumbling, her gills shook. She went down onto the spiral staircase, suddenly it was the whole concrete floor she was on.

"Kaela." Zeta called out. Kaela stopped.

All serpents couldn't let preciousness go after all.

Zeta walked towards Kaela wearing a knowing look. A message in itself which was easier and easier to understand each time. Kaela let the silver girl come snuggled in between her neck and blonde fur eventually. And eventually, the sound of storms became loud once again.

Kaela had never hated storms, but for Zeta, she needed to. Storm loved where the sea serpent went. Storm was the sign of her coming. She had mixed feelings all the time.

Maybe because, right here, she was not a sea snake in the vast ocean, but a significant being for somebody small. Her size was colossally mocking for Silver Bell's fit, but she was scouting herself in and out gaps just fine.

Maybe she could change her job. If, hunting fishes, wasting life underwater, and pleasing her parents was even considered a job.

Zeta had quite an important job. Zeta helped somebody get safe to shore. Maybe she could be like Zeta. A human named Zeta who loved her entire being since the months of the past. Zeta guided her safe to shore.

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