Decisions and Gossip

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"Hello, Regina," Dr. Hopper said, ushering her into his office. "How are you?"

She scratched Pongo behind his ear, just where she learned he liked, before sitting down. "I'm good," she replied. "I've definitely been infected by the holiday spirit."

He chuckled. "You and most of the town."

"Christmas certainly has come to Storybrooke," she agreed, thinking of all the decorations that had gone up since her last session. Granny's Diner had covered its windows in fake snow as well as Christmas lights and decorations. And the town had hung its lights over Main Street already, though they weren't lit yet. That would happen during the upcoming weekend when Mayor Nolan would also light the town tree.

And even though Regina was still nervous around the town's mayor, she couldn't wait for the event. Especially since she was going with Rob and their friends.

"I believe you were decorating your house this weekend," Dr. Hopper said. "How did that go?"

"It went very well," she replied, brightening as she thought of the fun night she spent with her friends. "My house looks lovely and I have a bunch of great memories now. And I feel very relaxed."

He chuckled. "I'm glad to hear that. But did you try any other methods of self-care?"

She nodded. "I took a nice long bath with a bath bomb and some scented candles. I then put on some soft music and used a face mask. It felt heavenly."

"Good," he replied. "I hope you make it a regular practice."

"I will," she said, already vowing to do it again later that month.

He nodded, writing something down. "Now, in our last session, we were discussing your romantic history. And I get the feeling you wanted to discuss it for a reason."

"Yes," she replied, feeling nervous again. "There's someone I'm interested in."

"I had a feeling that was the case," Archie said. "Is it Rob?"

Surprise filled her as she nodded. "How did you figure it out?"

He chuckled. "Well, you tend to smile when you say his name and your expression softens. And I notice that you tend to separate him from the rest of your friends when talking about them."

"Oh," she said, unaware she had done that. "But yes, I do have feelings that are stronger than friendship for Rob."

"And I'm guessing you want to pursue these feelings?" he asked.

She sighed as Pongo jumped onto the couch and curled up next to her. "Yes, but I'm afraid I can't."

"And why not?"

"It's...complicated," she said, deciding that was the best word. "And you have to promise not to think I'm crazy."

He tilted his head. "That word doesn't exist in this room."

"I know," she replied. "But I still worry that you're going to think it. So can you promise and put me at ease? Please?"

"Okay," he said. "I promise."

Relieved, she said: "It has to do with the storybook. I think Rob is really Robin Hood and Miriam is really Maid Marian. And if that's the case, then they are meant to be together - not him and me."

He paused, looking up at her. "So do you believe the storybook is real?"

"I don't know," she replied honestly. "Some days I do, some days I don't. But lately, the days I do are starting to outnumber the days I don't."

"Do you think Miriam has feelings for Rob?" Archie asked.

She shrugged. "Miriam says they are only friends and they don't seem to act like they have any feelings for each other."

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