Holiday Bonding

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Diana pulled up the hood of her jacket and tightened it, hoping to obscure her face as she turned down the little path that ran between Regina's block and the one right behind hers. She hoped no one would be able to recognize her and just assume she was another kid taking a shortcut down their alley. The last thing either she or Regina needed was for her mother to find out she had gone to Regina's house.

She reached Regina's backyard and entered it. Diana crossed to the backdoor and knocked on it three times. Keeping her hood up, she prayed Regina quickly opened the door before someone recognized her or at least spotted a young child going into Regina's house by the back door.

The door opened and Regina appeared, wearing a brown sweater and blue jeans under a white apron. Her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail but a few dark wisps had escaped and curled against her forehead. She smiled as she ushered Diana into her house. "Happy Thanksgiving," she said.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Diana said, pulling down her hood. She then hugged Regina, not sure if the warmth filling her came from the kitchen or Regina's arms.

Either way, it chased away the cold and felt more welcoming than her own home.

Regina pulled away, tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. "Sorry for the mess. I have a lot of orders for the holidays."

"That's great," Diana said, looking at five different pies and two cakes already on Regina's counter. There was flour everywhere and she could see some dirty bowls in Regina's sink.

"Yeah," Regina agreed. "Especially as I actually have people to get Christmas presents for this year. That money will be a big help."

Diana nodded, taking off her coat. Regina took it and she walked out of the kitchen with Diana following her. "Speaking of Christmas, are you going to get a tree this year?" she asked, knowing her real father was the only one who sold real Christmas trees in Storybrooke. It hopefully would be another chance for them to bond.

"I am," Regina replied, hanging up Diana's coat. "I actually picked one out already so it will be delivered on Saturday and then everybody is coming here to help me decorate."

Excitement filled Diana. "Can I help?"

Regina's smile faltered and Diana knew the answer even before she said it. "I don't think that's a good idea. We're already taking a big chance now. I don't want you to get into trouble," she told Diana.

"Okay," Diana said, hoping that she was decorating a tree with her real parents by next Christmas. "I understand."

Chewing her lower lip, Regina then crouched down. "I did find a tiny Christmas tree in the library. Maybe we could decorate that together to make our special place a little more festive?"

"I would love that!" Diana said, hugging her. "Thanks, Regina!"

Regina hugged her again. "You're welcome."

Letting Diana go, Regina stepped back. "Time for Thanksgiving!"

"Yay!" Diana cheered, rubbing her stomach. "I definitely brought my appetite!"

They set Regina's table before Regina pulled out a small chicken from her oven. It was surrounded by several potatoes and she also had made some broccoli to go with their meal. Regina made a plate and handed it to Diana. "There we go. This should be a good balanced and healthy lunch," she said.

"You sound like a mom," Diana replied, grinning as she took the plate. She looked down at the plate and wondered what kind of meals Regina would've made if they were trapped in the curse together, mother and daughter together.

She figured they would be healthy but tasty and varied.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Regina asked, setting her plate aside as she went to the refrigerator. "I have some juices, seltzer and iced tea."

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