Chapter Ten: A Friend In A Foe.

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I stared at my arm as I ran it under the water, washing off the mess I made for the past twenty minutes. It stung like a bitch but I need it to be somewhat clean before I head to bed. Who am I kidding? My mind isn't going to let me sleep tonight. Too much has happened. Shisui was correct about him needing space since Naurto confirmed that while we were talking. I hope our relationship starts to build back to what it used to be after tonight. I can't take another day of him ignoring me.

But I keep thinking back to what he said about how I scared him when I confessed. That's why he did all of this out of fear. Fear of what? Fear that he might like me back too? That has to be it right? Is he contemplating it? No. Don't get your hopes up. He finds you disgusting. He's literally homophobic.

I let out a loud sigh.

This whole situation has been so exhausting for me to go through. If something doesn't change by the end of this week I'm still going home. I don't care anymore. I can't keep putting myself through this. I dried myself off and opened the bathroom door. I got into the bed and turned off my lamp before settling into the pillow under my head.

And here it comes.

The thoughts that consume my mind throughout the night.


I heard my alarm go off as soon as I was finally about to shut my eyes. I groaned and shut them anyway, letting the alarm blare for a couple of seconds before I turned it off. I sat up in my bed, sitting there while my mind was blank as I stared at the wall in front of me. Should I go to school today? I wondered like I do every morning before I finally made it out of the bed to go to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth. I put on my outfit for the day, grabbed my backpack, and headed out the door into the kitchen where I could smell breakfast being made. I dropped my backpack next to my seat before I sat down. I folded my arms and put them on the table and rested my head on them.

"Hey Sasuke-. Oh? You alright?" I heard Minato say as I felt him rub my back.

"Mhm." I mumbled not moving nor opening my eyes.

"Morning Naruto." He said as he removed his hand.


I slowly picked up my head and saw him walking in. We locked eyes for what felt like an eternity but had to have been a couple of seconds because pretty soon he was sitting right next to me.

"Hi." He greeted and my chest felt warm with the small smile he gave me.

"Hey." I said with my voice a little hoarse.

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