Chapter 10- Anger(part 1)

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"Mommm," I yelled.

"What is it, Tee?" Mum questioned.

"I'm heading to Lexi's," I told her.

"Oh, but why?" she asked.

"We've gotta work on our English Project," I told her, as I unlocked the front door.

"Okay, take care, bye hon," she told me.

I walked to Lexi's house, it was definitely bigger than mine and more extravagant. It was magnificent. I rung the doorbell and found myself face-to-face with a blonde woman. She seemed to be mopping the floor.

"Hello, how can I help you?" she asked. She had an amazing Spanish accent.

"I'm here to see Lexi Davis, you are?" I replied.

"Oh, I work here. Why don't you come and have a seat , Miss Davis should be here any moment," she smiled.

I walked inside to see a beautiful living room adorned with a lot of potted plants. The floor was a shade of pearl white, it seemed to be made out of marble. There was a cute little tea table facing the television and a gorgeous showcase. I stared in awe as I sank into the plush sofa.

I heard footsteps coming down from a spiral staircase, I peeped, hoping to see Lexi but it was Brandon. He was wearing a grey T-shirt and trousers. His hair seemed wet, as if he just came after having a shower. He headed towards what looked like the kitchen and suddenly halted.

He stared at me and I turned pink. The way he looked at me seemed to make me nervous. I tore my eyes away from his cold gaze.

He walked towards me. I could feel my palms getting sweaty. Why did he have to look at me like I just killed someone, why did he have to be so unfriendly, I thought. That's when I remembered I was supposed to be mad at him.

"You, here? " he asked.

" Yeah, I'm here for the English Project. Lexi asked me to come over today," I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Lexi didn't tell me anything, don't you think you need to decide when I'm available too?" he said, fiercely.

How dare he talk to me like that, is this called as hospitality? I thought. I was fuming.

"Not my problem," I snapped, fixing my gaze on him, his eyes reflected fury. I got scared and for a moment, I saw concern in his orbs, but then he got back to his old arrogant self and looked away.

The awkward silence was broken by Lexi, who seemed to look puzzled.

Author's note:-

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted to let you know that something big is going to happen in the next chapter.

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