Chapter 6- Smiling Again

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I had a great time with Lexi at lunch, it felt good to finally smile again.The bell rang, signalling that lunch was over.

"Gotta run, see you later!", I chirped.

"See ya", she smiled.

Even though I was smiling on the outside, I was a nervous wreck on the inside. I couldn't believe it, I had a friend now. I was really happy about it but then, I'd promised myself to never get close to anyone again. I knew I would just lose them, my mind told me to avoid Lexi , while my heart told me get to know Lexi better, to live life again , to be a normal teenager, to have fun, be myself and finally learn to smile again.


I skipped home happily , humming to myself.When I got inside, I greeted my mom while taking my shoes off.

"Well, someone looks happy today. What happened hun? Did you win the lottery or something?", my mom joked.

" Actually mum, I just made a new friend", I replied.

"Now now, go to your room and freshen up , I've got work to do", Mum said as she headed to the kitchen.


Mom asked me about my 'new friend' during lunch. I told her about how I met her and about her just joining today. My mom asked me by any chance if her name was Lexi Davis and if she has a twin brother named, Brandon Davis.

Well..... guess what? She turns out to be my new neighbour. The lady I met in the morning is her mom, Mrs.Laura Davis. I felt like the biggest fool in the whole universe! How can I be so stupid? It was pretty obvious she is my new neighbour. Mrs. Davis and Lexi share the same surname.

I can be really dumb sometimes.

Author's note:-
Sorry for the short chapter.The next part is gonna be really interesting.
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